Your Passion Is ? Wanna find out ?

Your Passion Is ? Wanna find out ?

What the heck do I want to be when I grow up?  Yes, recently I was still asking myself that question, even though retirement is right around the corner.

Currently, I’m on a medical leave of absence from my career.  Because I have a lot of down time, and I’m nearing traditional retirement age, like most Baby Boomers are, I’ve been searching for my true passion hoping to pursue it, whatever it is, when I reinvent myself for the next chapter in my life, “Retirement”. I may retire from “work” but never from life.  I’ll always be learning, traveling, spending fun time with my kids and grand kids and experiencing new activities that I like rather then what others tell me to do. As Steve McQueen has said, “I live for myself and I answer to nobody.”

During this search I’ve taken online tests such as the one from Dr. Gary Smalley to help me find my illusive passion. He say’s I’m like a Golden Retriever, ok, that’s good.  Myers Briggs is a traditional test used by student counselors.  I’ve found advice on YouTube, some good, some not so good.  TED talks are inspiring. I discovered Marie Forleo and like her short videos.  Enjoy the one below.  I’ve toyed with Horoscopes and Numerology and done way too much online “research”.  Then there’s making a list of what you’re good at and what talents and skills you have, compare lists and find what’s common.  Sound familiar?

None of these really did the job for me.  Something was always lacking.  That’s because the true answer is inside you and you have to find it there, and feel it and see it. Ultimately, I found two easy activities helpful.  Quiet Time or Meditation and Doing are the best for me.

Just sitting quietly, clearing your mind, and focusing on one thing, such as your breath are very calming.  After a few tries, you’ll be amazed at the ideas, feelings and inspiration that come up.  They are Hints from your soul as to what is good for you.

During my quiet time I got a few hints and ideas as to what I want to do or work on.  In the past, I’ve been stuck here, wondering which one I want to do the most, what’s best for me, which one can I help the most people by doing it.  I hate being stuck not being able to decide.

Then, last week, I found this video.  In it Marie Forleo says, “stop thinking and start doing…”  It makes sense to me.  Choice one activity you’re most inspired by and start DOING IT.  Another time work on the other one.  Then notice how you and your body react to each of them.  Which is most exciting, which can you spend hours at and not get bored or tired.  Which do you think about the most.  Very soon, you will notice how to react to each and which feels the best.  There it is, that’s what your passion it right now.  Finally!!!  I’ll let Marie explain it better.  Watch her video now.

So, what do you think of that?  This was a big eye opener for me!  I honestly feel like I’m on the best path, for me, I’ve ever been on.

I hope this inspires you and helps you, my Baby Boomer friend, find your passion in this new chapter of life.

Thanks for stopping by, John

Live Life Well!

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