Words Change Your life

Words Change Your life

So, when you have a hard decision to make, or you’re struggling at your job or with your finances. Maybe you think your spouse is being mean or unreasonable or you just found out you have a serious physical problem.

Who do you go to for help and how do you listen to? You have lots of choices. Some are better than others. But, I’ll bet you are forgetting the most important person to list to.

Do you know who it is?

It’s YOU! Your brain is the most sophisticated computer in the world. It’s the words you use when you talk to yourself. Our parents gave us our original programing and it’s probably out of date. Is your software program up to date. Is it telling you the right things, for the current day? Probably not. Your original programing is filled with limiting factors that are holding you back from getting everything you want from life.

What can you do to improve your self talk? Upgrade to Operating System 2012.1. Wipe out your old limiting self talk and upgrade to enabling self talk.

Here some help to get you started. Enjoy.

Your Words will bring Your Victory

I hope you enjoy the video. It pretty powerful.

Bottom line, talk nicely to yourself, use powerful words to create the health, happiness and wealth you deserve.

Thanks for stopping by, John, the Messenger.

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