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Tag: talent

“It’s only words, and words are all I have”

“It’s only words, and words are all I have”

Our brain is the most powerful computer in the Universe.

The Words we say to ourselves consciously and subconsciously determine our lives.  We must have a constant vigil of our words.  Use positive, re-enforcing, motivating and passionate words to create the life you want.

When we say, “I knew I couldn’t do it”, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But, when we say, “I know I can do this”, that too is a self-fulfilling prophecy!  It’s the same number of words, it takes the same amount of effort to think or say.  Which would you rather use?

This is a great quote to help you remember the power of YOUR WORDs:

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

-Frank Outlaw

As your mother used to tell you, “Watch your words my dear!”

Your words can make you HAPPY, or sad, it’s your choice!

Thanks, come back soon.

(© by John McFadden, 2011)

Do You Know Who You Are, really?

Do You Know Who You Are, really?

We tend to attach our identity to one part of our lives.  It could be work, “I’m an accountant”, “I work for 3M”, or it could be a person, “I’m Mary’s husband”.  But aren’t you a whole lot more than that one thing?

Yes you are.  As an example, your job does not define you and it shouldn’t consumer all your waking thoughts.  Instead, honor all that you are and can be.  When you think of yourself as a whole person, your work, your relationships, your artistic side, your love of sports, and your charitable activities you will be happier.  That happiness will be projected out into the world and new people and opportunities will come your way.

So, how do you decide who you really are?

One way is to ask yourself the “I am …….” questions.

Get a piece of paper and write down “I am (a good person, happy, a good brother/husband/sister/wife)”.

As you do this it’s important to say the words out loud.  Say what you are out loud, then write it down.  It sounds simple, most good things are, but keep at it.  Fill the page up with your wonderful traits, habits, talents, etc.

When you’re done say them out loud everyday.  Soon, you’ll find yourself with more confidence, holding your head up high, being happier, living life with style, and show the world who you are.  Then you’ll attract new people into your life and you’ll help each other to live your dreams.

Give it a try, it can’t hurt.

(I’d like to thank Denise Silvernail for introducing me to this technique. When your web site is up I’ll refer readers to you.)

Go ahead, make some waves

Go ahead, make some waves

What should I do?
What should I do?

Are you wondering if you should make a change in your life?  Should you take that plunge?  Is it safe?

Be brave.  Go ahead and make some waves.  Go For It.
Be brave. Go ahead and make some waves. Go For It.

If you dare, take the plunge.  You will encounter people and circumstances along the way that are there to help you in your journey.  Sometimes your path may be a little unclear but you will find your way if you’re willing to make some waves.  If you aren’t making waves, you’re not moving forward in life.  Go ahead, make some waves, even if they’re small ones.  You’ll be glad you did.   You will be closer to being the REAL you and Living Well.

Hello world!

Hello world!

Welcome to our new blog.  We will start posting soon.

Here you’ll find inspiration, encouragement, techniques and tools to help you discover your skills, talents, passion and your special Spirit inside you.

Whether you need help with your own business, career, personal life, relationships you’ll find help here.

We’ll offer life and career coaching, meditations, helpful and inspirational articles and reports, and other life changing tools.  We’ll also offer Art, Photographs and some Fiction pieces.  Maybe even a few travel stories.

We hope you visit us often.

Go in true Spirit with Compassion.