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Service and Success, Albert Einstein Quote

Service and Success, Albert Einstein Quote

Seventy Years Loving and Helping One Another

Frequently, I find quotes that deserve to be shared with you.  This is one of them.

With the greed on Wall Street  and other negative elements in life, and the terrible, brutal assaults on children and even strangers, everyone needs to step back and evaluate what is important in life.

It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service…. Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ” —Albert Einstein

As the Beatles sang, “All You Need Is Love”.  Spread your love in the world and you will get the same in return.

Love to all.

Come back soon.

Is That You?

Is That You?

A Bedtime Story

(A Snippet Of Life To Be Read At Bedtime)

“Jack, thanks for the little nap.  I see we’re almost there.  How are you holding up, do you want me to drive?”

It was about a 6-hour drive from their home in Morgan, Utah.  The Acura SUV was comfortable on long road trips like this.  They talked a lot, listened to their iPod and Dr. Laura on satellite radio as the miles clicked by.  Finally, arriving in Kanab meant they had only about an hour until their arrival.

“No, I’m fine.  It will be good to get checked in and relax.  It’s so peaceful there. Remember the last time?  Our walk in the moonlight, hearing the eagles talking to each other? It was special being there with you. I’m glad we get to go again.”

When they arrived at the ultra secluded and private Amangiri Resort and Spa, the General Manager, the Front Desk manager and their personal guest relations’ girl, Amanda, met them on the front steps.

They were given a Desert View Suite looking out into the vast, colorful desert.  Opening the concertina glass doors they enjoyed the sitting area and the spacious desert that frames the view of the natural landscape beyond. They could smell the fresh desert air. The sun was low in the sky creating wonderful shadows.  It was simply enchanting.

After showering in the huge luxurious sage green tiled, double shower they dressed for dinner. They decided to sit at the end of the counter in the open kitchen where they watched the chefs prepare their Utah elk loin, served with dried cherries, buttered spaghetti squash and cooked spinach.

After dinner they sat in the library and soaked in the spacious view of the desert plateau. The night was just as magical as the first time. Romance filled the air.


The Page, Arizona airport was small and not much was going on.  That is one reason it was chosen.  The Lear Jet taxied slowly to the terminal.

Two casually dressed men and an attractive woman climbed down the air-stairs and greeted the athletic young gentleman, their driver.  He was wearing aviator style sunglasses and was aware of everything going on around them. His shoes were not what you’d normally wear with dress pants; they were too athletic, easy to run in.  Obviously, he was more than just a driver.  The three guests got in the back of the dark colored BMV SUV and drove off quickly towards the Utah border.

The drive was only 9 miles, arriving at the Amangiri shortly after dusk.  There was a light rain that made the dessert plateau have that fresh, earthy smell.  The scent you always smell after a summer thunderstorm.

The same staff as the first guests greeted them.  Checking in was simplified, followed by a brief tour of the property, then to their Terrace Pool Suites.

“Michael, the gravel road we drove in on, is that the only access the property?”

“Yes Mr. Maddox, no one can enter the property without us knowing about it.  Even the airspace is restricted due to the sensitive eco-system we have here.  You won’t be bothered here or anywhere on our property.”

“Thanks, we have some sensitive meetings and negotiations to conduct while we’re here and want our privacy.”  They entered their suites an opened the glass doors and admired the view of the natural landscape beyond.


Dark had fallen over the desert.  They met the others outside near the pool.  It was a mixed group, men, women and a few teenagers.  The astronomer led them on a dirt trail up the side and to the top of the bluff.  Below, the desert floor was quiet; above the noises of the night were clear and the soft light from the full moon shined on them.

The astronomer and the Native American, Eagle Feather, explained the formations they could see on the surface of the moon and in the majestic sky.  Everyone had the chance to look through the powerful telescope and saw the true beauty and pure power of nature.

Eagle Feather explained, “Full Moon rituals are healing rituals, magical workings, times of growth, inspiration, and insight. At Full Moon, we celebrate fulfillment, fertility, and the bearing of fruit from our projects. Full Moon rituals range from very structured to very spontaneous.”

Afterward, a large fire was built and they all sat around listening to each other’s stories and experiences.

Jack and Kathy shared the spiritual awakening they had experienced during their many trips to the Red Rocks area of Utah.

“Jack, is that you?” a voice said from across the hot flames of the campfire.  “It’s David, David Maddox from high school.”

“David, I haven’t seen you in 25 years.  How are you? I hear you’ve done well for yourself.”

“Yes, I’ve been lucky.  What are you doing these days?”

“My wife and I run a small publishing house for young writers who wouldn’t otherwise get their work published”.

For hours they discussed each other’s lives and compared stories.  They wondered about all their old friends.  Finally, David said, “Jack, I’d be willing to help you get more writers and fund your publishing.  We could grow the company to be a major player.  Then we could sell it, you’d make a nice profit and retire, and be able to get a little place, do some writing, maybe publish a couple of new authors and travel to the desert as often as you want.  What do you think?”

“David, I already do that and have a nice little property in Morgan and come down here anytime I want.  I don’t need to be a big shot.  I already have everything I want.  Maybe you should think about selling off some companies and retiring to a big ranch somewhere.”

The campfire was burning down and it was late. They agreed to get together again soon and strolled back to their rooms for the night.


“I’m glad you got to see David.  He’s really made it big, hasn’t he?  Do you think he’s happy? Do you wish you took his path in life?”

“Honey, I’m totally happy right here with you.  We have a great life, don’t you think?

“Jack, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  We are blessed to have this life together.”

“Now get some sleep so we can go to the slot canyons tomorrow.”

They agreed their lives are good, and just the way they want them to be.  They wished others were as excited about life as they are.

Kathy gave him a gentle kiss and cuddled closer to his warm chest, closed her eyes and drifted off to peaceful sleep.


Right Under Your Nose

Right Under Your Nose

Right Under Your Nose

A Bedtime Story

(A Snippet Of Life To Be Read At Bedtime)

Their phones sounded off at the same time, signaling a text had come in.  It read, “Urgent, car will pick you up in 3 hours.  Meet Andre in Paris tomorrow at 6pm.  You will be taken to La Mirande in Avignon.  Security will be tight.”

They had known each other for about 10 years, working at the same companies.  Over time they’d become very close in a casual way,  able to discuss even their most private thoughts and desires.  They’d celebrated birthdays together, met each others families and traveled together for work.  Because of this strong friendship and being kindred spirits, neither of them had tried to be get closer or become intimate. Although, if pressed, they both admit they had thought about it before.  But, work always came first.

They flew private, sleeping most of the way. The plan was to spend the afternoon in Paris at a hotel and wait for Andre to pick them up that evening and take them to La Mirande.

Their suite at the Four Seasons George V had two bedrooms with a living room and balcony overlooking the City of Love. It was quite luxurious and indulgent with silk sheets, furnished with antiques, an oversized soaking tube and on the table in front of the window, a large plate of French pastries to die for.

“Logan, would you bring my purse to me please?”  He picked up her purse and walked into the one of the bedrooms.  There, lying on the bed was Sarah in an alluring black lace underwear set.  He’d never seen her so, so, shall we say uninhibited and beautiful.  Even a Victoria’s Secret model would be proud.

“Logan, lay down with me and let’s get some rest before Andre arrives.”

Logan was caught off guard. “I think we should get everything organized for tomorrow, don’t you?”

“I guess.” she said, getting off the bed and going into the living room to have a Pain aux raisins pastry.  Logan couldn’t take his eyes off her beautiful curves.

They went over their plans on how tomorrow would unfold.

“Hello?”  “Yes Andre, is there a problem?”

“There’s been a glitch and we won’t be going to Avignon until tomorrow night.  You can relax and enjoy the hotel and the city for a while.  I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience for either of you.”  “See you tomorrow.”

“Well Sarah,  how would you like to spend our evening together?”

“We’re in the City of Love, let’s see if it really is.”

They changed into evening cloths, her in a short, tight little black dress, and him in slacks, loafers and a new silk shirt that he’d splurged on. They walked along the Seine as darkness fell and the lights along the street and in the cafes came on. They could feel something special and magical surrounding them.  She knew tonight would be memorable.

On the rue Saint Martin they found a bistro like no other.  A butcher, Benoit Matray who prepared fragrant, traditional Lyon-Style dishes like those made by his mother, started Benoit Bistro.  They learned that in 2005-famed Michelin stared Chef Alain Ducasse purchased the little bistro on the corner.

Dinner was slow paced and delicious.  They dined on beef bourguignon and Emincé de Volaille sauce Roquefort – Pommes de terre sautées. To you and me, that’s Thinly sliced fillet of chicken with Roquefort sauce – Sautéed potatoes. With all the courses and wine, and of course chatting, dinner took over 2 hours.  They strolled back to the hotel slowly in the cool night air of romantic Paris.

The lights in the large suite had been turned down, as were the beds.  Soft music was coming from the stereo.  They embraced, saying goodnight.  The embrace was long and gentle.  It was difficult to pull apart and go to their own rooms.

He wondered if he should do what he was thinking and feeling.  Sarah answered that question for him when she kissed him and led him to the luxurious, indulgent, overstuffed bed.

During breakfast the next morning, he wondered why he hadn’t noticed her more when she was right under his nose all the time.

Different Worlds

Different Worlds


“Different Worlds”

A Bedtime Story

They were sitting under the umbrella on the edge of the patio.  Their backs to the Pacific Ocean, they chatted quietly, paying no attention to other guests and their surroundings.  The bar was the Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, the Pink Palace of the Pacific.

They were over dressed for the time of day and warm weather.  He was tall, grey hair, handsome, wearing dress slacks, loafers and an expensive dress shirt.  He was sporting a large Rolex, clearly, a man of some success.

She was very proper in her posture and movements and with her speech.  Being Asian, she was probably educated in the finest schools in Hong Kong or Singapore.  Her black hair glistened in the afternoon sun.   The tailored black dress fit her subtle curves beautifully.

Surprisingly, no one noticed them.  Most of the patrons merely sipped on their world famous Mai Tai s, as this is where the Mai Tai was invented.  They chatted between themselves and enjoyed the beautiful view and the gentle trade winds.

He watched them from two tables away.  Their auras projected wisdom, strength, and compassion.  He wondered who they were.  Soon his imagination took over.

Maybe they both owned businesses; maybe they were art dealers, could they be retired friends who meet after World War II.  Or they could work at an embassy.  He thought not, they were looked too refined.   Maybe they were something more intriguing like CIA operatives meeting to exchange top secret intel.  If they were, he thought it would be cool to meet them and hear their stories.  That is if they could.   His imagination was interrupted when the couple got up to leave.

Who were these people, how did they meet?  Where were they going now? The theater, were they on vacation, were they going home, what does their house look like?  Is it behind iron gates, or is it a luxury condo on the top floor of a high-rise?  Or, are they even married?

He finished his mai tai and followed them.  As they walked toward the lobby his questions continued, even though they would probably never be answered.  Unless of course, if their paths crossed again somewhere, sometime in the future.