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What Should I do?

What Should I do?

Are you feeling lost, don’t know what to do with your life, are you at a cross-roads, is something bothering you and holding you back?  Maybe it’s time to look inside for the answer.

While exploring the grounds of the Golden Door Spa at The Boulders Resort outside Phoenix, I came across this labyrinth. It is said to be a path to tranquility inspired by ancient Hopi medicine wheels. It is found in most Native American tribes.  Many believe they enhance and balance and awaken our inner energy and creativity.  They are a place where answers can be found.

The Shaman told me to pick a rock, and carry it as I walked through the twists and turns.  Each turn, left and right, allow your brain to use the left side and right side thereby searching and opening both sides of your brain giving you a pure answer to your problem.  These thoughts blended with the earth’s energy create new perspective, ideas and answers.

At first I was somewhat skeptical, but as I concentrated and walked slowly through the labyrinth I found my mind calming down and powerful thoughts and feelings arising.  When I reached the center, I paused and put my rock, representing my problem, onto the pile of others problems.  I released my problem, letting  it go away.

After letting my problem or old beliefs go, I walk back through the turns to the beginning while feeling and thinking about the new me, minus my old problem.  By the time I reached the beginning I felt a lightness and hope for the future, free of my old problem.

Mother nature and it’s energy and you allowing your mind to slow down can reveal answers you never dreamed of.  If you give it an honest try, it might help you too.