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Five Short Cuts to Being Happy

Five Short Cuts to Being Happy


Are you HAPPY?  Really?  I think being happy is the second most important skill you need in life.  The first skill is to learn how to control your thoughts.  Do you want to be HAPPY? We were happy as little kids, lets bring some of that happiness into our lives today.

All of us strive for many things through-out our life time.  We want a nice family, loving spouse, good job, money to buy nice things, cars, houses, big screen TVs, a good education, travel and much more.  All these things give us different levels of satisfaction that comes and goes, sometimes leaving us unsatisfied rather quickly and looking for the next  new “thing”.  In reality, what we really want is true, lasting, Happiness.

That’s what I want.  All my life I’ve tried to be happy by working towards my next want or goal, always thinking that’s what would make me happy.  My very smart wife has always told me that happiness comes from within, not from money or things.  That’s been hard for me to believe.  But now, I’ve discovered she’s right.  Now I look within and choose happiness.  Life is no longer a big struggle thanks to her wisdom.

Good old Honest Abe said it all when he said, “Most folks are just about as Happy as they make their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln, US President, self-educated lawyer, legislator, avid reader, husband and father.

For many of us, we are so busy in today’s hectic world that we don’t have time to think about what really makes us happy.  But, you have a choice.  Either you run the day, or the day runs you.  Which is it for you?

Having searched for true happiness for most of my life, and studying people much smarter than me, I’ve found 5 short cuts to being happy.

One is Gratitude. Be grateful for all you have from the moment you get up in the morning.  It’s important to be grateful for all you have been given and built in your life.  When you’re grateful and have peace of mind and contentment, you become open to receive much more in life.

Two is Choice.  Like Abe said above, choose to be happy, it’s your choice how you think about your life and circumstances. When it comes right down to it, WE have control of our brain, which creates our thoughts, which create our words, which create our daily reality.  We have a choice, every day and every moment, to be happy and see the best in people and circumstances in our world, or to let negative people and events take us down and hold us back from being our best.

Three is Moment, be in the moment, in the NOW.  When you’re depressed you’re thinking of the past, when you’re worried or fearful you’re thinking of the future.  When you’re happy you’re thinking about what you’re doing right NOW. Explore the world, notice little things around you that make you feel good, play, be child like again.  Mindful breathing can bring you back from all the “monkey thoughts” (see more under Control, below) and focus you in the moment.  This will help you appreciate and enjoy life more.

Four is for Love, yourself that is.  I find that “I am…” statements help you focus and create higher self-esteem and self-love.  Instead of beating yourself up and being negative about yourself, try thinking and saying positive things in the present tense.  Things like, I am Happy; I am strong; I am talented; I am healthy; I am liked; I am expressing my true self; I am helping others; I am loving and I am loving.  Say those words to yourself throughout the day and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel and how you great things begin happening.  Before you can receive love, you must love yourself.  Life is much easier when you do.

Five is Control, the thousands of thoughts you have every day.  You are the owner of the world’s most powerful computer.  Learn to make it work  for you rather than against you.  Every second of our lives we have the ability to choose our thoughts.  They seem to come and go randomly.  When I have to many, coming too fast, and they’re scattered all over different subjects, I call them “monkey thoughts”.  They’re like little monkeys jumping from tree to tree, branch to branch, never settling very long.  They drive me nuts, and make me confused.  It’s hard to focus and be happy when this happens.  So, take control of your thoughts and learn to drive your brain, program it to use positive, empowering thoughts.

Being happy and controlling your thoughts are the most import lessons you need to learn for a great life.  I leave you with Gandhi’s words.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Be Happy!

Thoughts Become Things
Thoughts Become Things

As a last note, the people in Cannes, France have a Happy Song.  When you’re having a tough day, sing and dance along with them.




Words Change Your life

Words Change Your life

So, when you have a hard decision to make, or you’re struggling at your job or with your finances. Maybe you think your spouse is being mean or unreasonable or you just found out you have a serious physical problem.

Who do you go to for help and how do you listen to? You have lots of choices. Some are better than others. But, I’ll bet you are forgetting the most important person to list to.

Do you know who it is?

It’s YOU! Your brain is the most sophisticated computer in the world. It’s the words you use when you talk to yourself. Our parents gave us our original programing and it’s probably out of date. Is your software program up to date. Is it telling you the right things, for the current day? Probably not. Your original programing is filled with limiting factors that are holding you back from getting everything you want from life.

What can you do to improve your self talk? Upgrade to Operating System 2012.1. Wipe out your old limiting self talk and upgrade to enabling self talk.

Here some help to get you started. Enjoy.

Your Words will bring Your Victory

I hope you enjoy the video. It pretty powerful.

Bottom line, talk nicely to yourself, use powerful words to create the health, happiness and wealth you deserve.

Thanks for stopping by, John, the Messenger.