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6 Open-air Markets in Paris

6 Open-air Markets in Paris

Paris!  The City of Love, and FOOD!

Here’s where you can get the freshest and tastiest to take home and serve your family and friends.  Happy shopping and dinning.  (orginally posted on A Luxury Travel Blog, on Twitter


6 of the best open-air food market venues in Paris

Shopping at open markets (marché) is a popular and fun way to find the freshest food in town. There are more than 80 open air markets located in Paris and the surrounding suburbs. Even if your French isn’t great don’t be intimidated by the outdoor markets. The merchants are generally very friendly and really don’t care if your French is less than perfect.

Marche d’Aligre (12th arrondissement)
Metro:  Ledru-Rollin

Arguably the most locally authentic market, Marché d’Aligre is open until 1 every day except Monday. Don’t miss the covered hall on the Place d’Aligre, where you can stop by a unique olive-oil boutique for bulk and prebottled oils from top producers. Reasonable prices and an eastern Paris location ensure that you’ll catch a glimpse of “real” working class Parisian families going about their shopping. In addition to the produce, you’ll also find stalls selling trinkets, cheap clothing, and household goods.

Rue Montorgueil (2nd arrondissement)
Métro: Sentier, Les Halles

Rue Montorgeuil is one of the oldest market streets in central Paris. As its name suggests, this market is a street market, meaning that the shops themselves have their place and stalls on the street, and close only on monday. Amongst the fruits-and-veg, meat, fish, and cheese shops, you can also enjoy nice cafés and restaurants, and a great atmosphere, two steps away from the beautiful Saint-Eustache church and the busy area of Les Halles!Open from tuesday to saturday between 10.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m., and sunday morning.

Le Marche des Enfants Rouges (3rd arrondissement)
Métro: Filles du Calvaire

Le Marche des Enfants Rouges is the oldest food market in Paris, built in 1615 under the rule of King Louis XIII. The name literally means “ Market of the Red Children” and is located in the chic northern part of the Marais. Stroll along the Parisian stalls in quiet pace, take a look at the gourmet shops, cheese shops and vintage shops. Be sure to also visit “Chez H’anna” and taste one of the best falafel in town!

Le Marche des Enfants Rouges

Rue Cler Market Street (7th arrondissement)
Métro: Ecole Militaire

The 7th arrondissement is home to rue Cler, one of the best market streets in Paris.  Find a wonderful selection of specialty food stores, patisseries, butchers, delicatessens, cheese specialists, fishmongers, greengrocers, chocolate shops and cafés.  Most of the street is a pedestrian area and still has its original cobblestones.  This authentic market street is where the locals go to buy their favorite foods or to meet friends and enjoy sitting outside the many cafés while they watch the world go by.

Rue Cler Market Street, Paris

Marché Président Wilson (16th arrondissement)
Métro: Iéna or Alma-Marceau

Located in the 16th arrondissement just across the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower, the Marché President Wilson, located between the Place d’Iéna and the rue Debrousse, boasts evident charms. The avenue itself is very wide and lined with mature trees, and is set on the backdrops of the beautifully detailed “Beaux Arts” buildings. This large open air market has a wonderful selection of food and other items, including clothing, wine and linens.

Marché Président Wilson, Paris

The Marché Bastille (11th arrondissment)
Métro: Ledru-Rollin

The Marché Bastille in the 11th arrondissement is one of the largest open air markets in Paris. Set up along on the boulevard Richard Lenoir not far from the Place de la Bastille, it is as much an event as a place to shop, with blocks of specialized stalls—including rare wines, regional cheeses, game, seafood, and flowers—catering to a large swath of Paris chefs and epicures. This lively open air market has a fun and vibrant feel all its own, and is a great spot to shop not only for fresh food but also for clothing, household items and jewellery.

Irina Raileanu is the owner and Director at Avenue Story.

Right Under Your Nose

Right Under Your Nose

Right Under Your Nose

A Bedtime Story

(A Snippet Of Life To Be Read At Bedtime)

Their phones sounded off at the same time, signaling a text had come in.  It read, “Urgent, car will pick you up in 3 hours.  Meet Andre in Paris tomorrow at 6pm.  You will be taken to La Mirande in Avignon.  Security will be tight.”

They had known each other for about 10 years, working at the same companies.  Over time they’d become very close in a casual way,  able to discuss even their most private thoughts and desires.  They’d celebrated birthdays together, met each others families and traveled together for work.  Because of this strong friendship and being kindred spirits, neither of them had tried to be get closer or become intimate. Although, if pressed, they both admit they had thought about it before.  But, work always came first.

They flew private, sleeping most of the way. The plan was to spend the afternoon in Paris at a hotel and wait for Andre to pick them up that evening and take them to La Mirande.

Their suite at the Four Seasons George V had two bedrooms with a living room and balcony overlooking the City of Love. It was quite luxurious and indulgent with silk sheets, furnished with antiques, an oversized soaking tube and on the table in front of the window, a large plate of French pastries to die for.

“Logan, would you bring my purse to me please?”  He picked up her purse and walked into the one of the bedrooms.  There, lying on the bed was Sarah in an alluring black lace underwear set.  He’d never seen her so, so, shall we say uninhibited and beautiful.  Even a Victoria’s Secret model would be proud.

“Logan, lay down with me and let’s get some rest before Andre arrives.”

Logan was caught off guard. “I think we should get everything organized for tomorrow, don’t you?”

“I guess.” she said, getting off the bed and going into the living room to have a Pain aux raisins pastry.  Logan couldn’t take his eyes off her beautiful curves.

They went over their plans on how tomorrow would unfold.

“Hello?”  “Yes Andre, is there a problem?”

“There’s been a glitch and we won’t be going to Avignon until tomorrow night.  You can relax and enjoy the hotel and the city for a while.  I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience for either of you.”  “See you tomorrow.”

“Well Sarah,  how would you like to spend our evening together?”

“We’re in the City of Love, let’s see if it really is.”

They changed into evening cloths, her in a short, tight little black dress, and him in slacks, loafers and a new silk shirt that he’d splurged on. They walked along the Seine as darkness fell and the lights along the street and in the cafes came on. They could feel something special and magical surrounding them.  She knew tonight would be memorable.

On the rue Saint Martin they found a bistro like no other.  A butcher, Benoit Matray who prepared fragrant, traditional Lyon-Style dishes like those made by his mother, started Benoit Bistro.  They learned that in 2005-famed Michelin stared Chef Alain Ducasse purchased the little bistro on the corner.

Dinner was slow paced and delicious.  They dined on beef bourguignon and Emincé de Volaille sauce Roquefort – Pommes de terre sautées. To you and me, that’s Thinly sliced fillet of chicken with Roquefort sauce – Sautéed potatoes. With all the courses and wine, and of course chatting, dinner took over 2 hours.  They strolled back to the hotel slowly in the cool night air of romantic Paris.

The lights in the large suite had been turned down, as were the beds.  Soft music was coming from the stereo.  They embraced, saying goodnight.  The embrace was long and gentle.  It was difficult to pull apart and go to their own rooms.

He wondered if he should do what he was thinking and feeling.  Sarah answered that question for him when she kissed him and led him to the luxurious, indulgent, overstuffed bed.

During breakfast the next morning, he wondered why he hadn’t noticed her more when she was right under his nose all the time.