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Tag: National Parks

Natures’ Greatest Deal

Natures’ Greatest Deal

Our friends north of us in Canada have absolutely beautiful scenery and want to welcome to their national parks for FREE in 2017!  Thank you Canada.

Sunset Magazine explains:
How would you celebrate your 150th birthday? If you’re Canada, you invite the entire world to your party by swinging open the doors to your national parks. For 2017, the country’s making its annual Discovery Pass (normally $68) free, giving visitors admission to all of the country’s 40-plus parks for the calendar year, including 12 Western sites. Visit Vancouver Island’s Pacific Rim for sandy beaches, year-round surfing, and a hiking trail originally forged by shipwrecked sailors; or hit north coast Gwaii Haanas for remote campsites, bald eagles, and ocean sightings of whales and dolphins.

10 Top Natural Wonders in America

10 Top Natural Wonders in America

America is filled with natural wonders, many most of us don’t get to see.  Set a goal to visit some of these this year!

America’s Top 10 Natural Wonders

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Click here to watch slide show of 10 of America’s Natural Wonders:

Plan a trip and enjoy life, thanks, John

An Airstream, Grandkids and the Outdoors

An Airstream, Grandkids and the Outdoors

“I love you because you take me on adventures”, Megan


As  Baby Boomers, and Empty Nester’s, our life paradigm is changing rapidly.  The words Grandpa and Grandma and Retired are defined and lived differently than they were just 10 years ago.

What do those words and time of life mean now?  Where’s the life manual?  How do we do it?Can we copy how are parents lived those words?  I say, “no way Jose”.  We have the opportunity and the urgency to create a new new paradigm that we feel comfortable with and enjoy.  At the same time it needs to “fit in” and benefit our children, grandchildren and family.

The possibilities for our new time in life are limitless.  For me, it’s downsizing to a single level patio home, healthy eating, exercise, being outdoors more, writing, blogging, traveling, photography, cooking, reading, life long learning and becoming semi-retired and looking forward to “full retirement”.  But, I never want to be fully retired.  There’s too many fun things to do.  If I can earn some more retirement money while doing all this that’s even better.

What does that mean to me?  And, to YOU?  The options are truly amazing and invigorating.

Today, I was surfing the world on the internet and found this story about a young family that is taking their toddler and a pick up and Airstream and touring our nations true treasures, our National Parks and other sites.

While you watch this think of the possibilities and how you might do something like this, with Grand kids!


Tomorrow Somewhere New

For me, this really brings back fond memories as my father worked for the National Park Service and I got to visit most of the parks West of the Mississippi.  I love the outdoors, and the beauty God created.

What does traveling as a young family have to do with Baby Boomers?  As I mentioned, we’re re-inventing ourselves and can do almost anything.  The first idea is to do what many Boomers are and travel the country with a trailer or motor-home.  Sounds fun right?  How about putting a little twist on that concept?  You can take your grand kids with you!

What?  Be stuck in a trailer with all that pent up energy?  Yes.  They will love being outdoors and exploring nature and America the Beautiful.

How?  I recommend bonding with your grandchild by going on walks with them and test them with an sleepover at your house.  If that goes well, try a day trip working up to a weekend or longer.  Their age, maturity and interests will determine where you go.  When choosing a place remember the trip is about them not only you.  Give it a try.  You’ll be surprised how much you learn about each other, how much fun you’ll have and the loving bond it creates.  Besides, being outdoors rejuvenates your Spirit.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Come back soon.

Live Life Well, John