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1 Big Life Action

1 Big Life Action

Each one of us has the opportunity and duty to make the world a better place. To leave the world better off than when we were born. To take Action. We all come to this world with at least one special talent unique to us. It is our duty to develop that talent and put it to good use for the betterment of our world.

What talent do you have? It can be anything, big or small. It could be that you are nice to people, or a smile that makes others smile, or you’re talented with words, music, sculpture, painting, leading others, networking, negotiating, teaching, listening, building, carpentry, encouraging, meditating, yoga, meditation, photography, jewelry making, designing, spiritual leadership, an author, pre-school teacher, artificial intelligence (AI wasn’t used in this post), therapist, barista and so many more.

You may not think you have a talent but you most certainly DO! Dig down deep inside, find it, develop it and then share it. When you undertake this Big Life Action you will help others, and be more satisfied with your own life. It’s worth the effort to find out what your Special Talent is.

YouTuber Jonna Jinton as her 4.8 million followers what message they’d like to share. Below is what I shared. (This is her finished video with some of her followers responses.

Thanks for reading, John

(Text, Photos, Video by John McFadden)

You Choose Your Life

You Choose Your Life

Life is a series of choices that YOU make.

Your choices determine or create your life.

As the Grail Knight in Indiana Jones said: “But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.”

Use your choices to create a great day and life.

Find Beauty in Your Life

Find Beauty in Your Life

Happiness can be found when you Find Beauty in Your Life. In today’s crazy world of out of control social media, politics, crime and anger, take time to find the beauty that is all around you. It might be a pretty cloud, a flower growing in the crack in the sidewalk, the genuine smile of a little child or a complement from a stranger. Some days you might have to look hard for it but it’s worth your effort. There’s Beauty everywhere when you slow down an look for it.

Are you holding a Grudge?

Are you holding a Grudge?

Holding a grudge and not telling the person why is like spitting into the wind. Holding a grudge will destroy you. It heals nothing. It shows your real (poor) character. If you can’t forgive, don’t expect others to forgive you. Grudges block forgiveness and happiness. Forgive, forget, and don’t hold grudges. Holding a grudge is a sign it’s time to heal thyself. A grudge hurts you more than the other person.

3 Emotions – How to Find Your Purpose

3 Emotions – How to Find Your Purpose

No matter where you are in life humans tend to doubt and second guess their motivations and actions from time to time. They question their purpose, their reason for living, does their life mean something, are they valued.  Maybe it’s time to rethink these questions and be sure you’re living authentically.

Watch this video to learn how Ben Angel says to find your purpose using 3 key emotions.


How to Find Your Purpose

Best-selling author of CLICK, Sleeping Your Way to The Top in Business and Flee 9-5, is Australia’s leading marketing authority.

December 9, 2016Facebook LikeTwitterLinkedInEmailMore

Finding your purpose can be a long journey full of twists and turns, but that’s OK—and even recommended. You can only discover your life’s mission by exposing yourself to new experiences, and that’s what prepares you to step into your purpose.

This kind of experimentation brings people closer to their deepest desires. It’s the gradual process of exploring and shaping oneself for the next chapter of their life that makes the difference. But when the mind gets stuck, focusing heavily on the absence of purpose, embracing the process can be a challenge.


“The problem is, we get so hung up on doing just one thing for the rest of our lives, and in the process of trying to work out what that one thing is, we box ourselves in and create resistance that prevents it from appearing.”


No one was put on earth to do just one thing. That kind of lifestyle would only rob people of the experiences that create the person they are becoming. Without those challenges, no one would have the resilience to live out their true purpose in life.


“You’re already in the process of living your purpose, you’re just yet to reveal the next phase to yourself…. Subconsciously, you already know what your purpose is. You’re just too scared to claim it.”


Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit today.  You can Subscribe, on the right side of this page, if you’d like to be notified of future posts.

Thanks for stopping buy, John

6 Rules to Live By

6 Rules to Live By

Live Your Life Well

Half Dome
Half Dome

I read today that the last of the Baby Boomers turn 50 this year.  We’ve lived at least 50 years, half a century, can you believe it?  It’s been great so far, lets re-evaluate our priorities and actions so the next 40-50 years can be just as great.

To Live Your Life Well, we need to have a plan, a personal guide, something to keep us on track.  I found this uplifting speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger that make lots of sense.  They’re very simple but motivating and a good place to start.

Arnold has overcome a lot to get from a little town in Austria to be a world champion and a governor of California.  Granted, he’s made some very public mistakes a long the way but I believe he has good advice for us regarding accomplishment.

Who do you want to be?  Not what, but WHO?  So, listen to him here.

6 Rules to Live By


“Stay hungry, stay healthy, be a gentleman, believe strongly in yourself and go beyond limitations.”

“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it-as long as you really believe 100 percent.”

“We all have great inner power.  The power is self-faith.  There’s really an attitude to winning.  You have to see yourself winning before you win.  And you have to be hungry.  You have to want to conquer” (to win, to live your dreams)