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Tag: kids

3 Reasons to Go Outside

3 Reasons to Go Outside

3 Reasons to start Walking in Nature as part of your exercise routine

  1. You feel better mentally and physically
  2. Walking is a gentle yet effective exercise
  3. Nature is rejuvenating just being in it

Have You Told Her You Love Her?

Have You Told Her You Love Her?

Parents and kids!  There’s two sides here, both with the same need.  Have you told you Mom you lover her lately?  When’s the last time you told your kids you love them?

Everyone needs to know they are loved!  It’s so easy to say.  It doesn’t have to be hard, just hug them and say it – before it’s too late!

I have things I wish I told my parents before they passed.  I have things I’d like to say to my kids and hope they hear it.  Listen to them, and tell them you love them.

Here’s a short video about telling someone you love them before it’s too late.


Good and Evil

Good and Evil

This is a wonderful short story or parable that all Boomers can live by.  In fact, I wish I’d heard it when I was much younger, like the little boy in the story instead of the “old man” in the story.

Another advantage to this advice, is Your Thoughts Today Create Your Reality Tomorrow.  You get what you think about, so think good thoughts and send their vibes out to the world.  They’ll come back to you in many ways.

So here it is, pass it on, especially to children in your family or know.

I found this on, a site worth checking out.

One evening an old man told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, “My son, there is a battle between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.

“One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

“The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

The old man simply replied, “The one you feed…”

(found via @NinaCabrera)

Hope you enjoyed it.  Stop by again, thanks, John
New blog for Baby Boomer Grandpas and Grandmas

New blog for Baby Boomer Grandpas and Grandmas

The other day I woke up and realized I currently have 7 grand kids! Wow, when did that happen? Was I too busy working to notice or what. The “what” is I am truly blessed to be a Boomer Grandpa.

Like it or not, the rebel, activist, forward thinking, “we can change the world” generation have had their kids and are now blessed with grand kids. They are the greatest. They are the future of our world and Universe. Besides that, they’re fun to play with.

This blog is about how life changes when you are a Baby Boomer and when you turn into a Boomer Grandpa (or Grandma). It’s about new, unwanted physical changes, about how to retire, how to travel, where to travel, new or improved products for us, how to have the most fun with your kids and grand kids.

I’ll review travel destinations, products, movies, arthritis medicine (ha) and anything else that comes into the Boomer Grandpa’s life.

Basically, as I live my new life as Grandpa, I’ll give you stories, ideas, tips, reviews about anything and everything that happens to me and my family. I figure my family is pretty typical so hopefully, you’ll learn with me how do be the best aging Boomer and Grandparent we can be.

So, as I start this daunting task, be patient with me, check back often, and if you have ideas for the blog send them my way.

Thanks, Boomer Grandpa John