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Tag: inspiration

You Choose Your Life

You Choose Your Life

Life is a series of choices that YOU make.

Your choices determine or create your life.

As the Grail Knight in Indiana Jones said: “But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.”

Use your choices to create a great day and life.

Why Are You In My Life?

Why Are You In My Life?

Life is a series of people teaching each other important secrets of life.

Over time, I’ve learned that everybody who enters your life does so for a reason. Sometimes it’s to help you learn a needed lesson. Sometimes it’s to help you navigate a tough time. And, sometimes, it’s to show you how not to be. They become an example of bad behavior that you shouldn’t repeat or the type of person to be careful of.

Think about all the people in your life. Does anyone stand out? What can you learn from them? At the same time, you entered their life for a reason too. What can you teach them just by being you? Be a special person to someone. Pay it forward.

Are you holding a Grudge?

Are you holding a Grudge?

Holding a grudge and not telling the person why is like spitting into the wind. Holding a grudge will destroy you. It heals nothing. It shows your real (poor) character. If you can’t forgive, don’t expect others to forgive you. Grudges block forgiveness and happiness. Forgive, forget, and don’t hold grudges. Holding a grudge is a sign it’s time to heal thyself. A grudge hurts you more than the other person.

Nature and the Mountains Are Calling

Nature and the Mountains Are Calling

Nature and the Mountains are Majestic. When your outside nature evokes feelings of grander, wonder and peace. After many years of being away from the ocean and mountains we drove from the High Desert of Utah to the Oregon coast. The closer we got I felt my mood improved. A sense of peace, wonderment, excitement and calm came over me. The same feelingsI get when going to the mountains of Grand Teton, National Park and so many more natural areas. For me it felt like coming home. I feel attached to mountains, coastlines, mountain meadows, peaks, lakes and streams. It’s a great feeling. It’s one I like to share. We should support organizations that work to preserve the natural world.

WWhen you feel stressed unsettled in your every day life go outside and claim your space in the world. Nature is calling you, listen to her call and go find her anywhere she is. Experience the Mountains, Ocean, Lake, Forest, Desert, a park in the city, wherever calls you.

The mountains are calling…(John Muir)

Enjoy and share your time outdoors and in natural.

1 Man Alone Never Gives Up – Journey

1 Man Alone Never Gives Up – Journey

Don’t Stop Believing!!!

The band Journey has the inspirational song Don’t Stop Believing, and a tremendous story after their first twenty years.

Listen here to the awesome song and story about band member Arnel Campaner Pineda (born September 5, 1967)[1] a Filipino singer and songwriter on during Journey’s appearance on Oprah with Arnel on vocals.  You’ll see Arnel never gave up on his Passion and never stopped believing.

Now it’s your turn, take the Journey and Don’t Stop Believing!

As Winston Churchill said, “Never, Never, Never Give Up”!




3 Emotions – How to Find Your Purpose

3 Emotions – How to Find Your Purpose

No matter where you are in life humans tend to doubt and second guess their motivations and actions from time to time. They question their purpose, their reason for living, does their life mean something, are they valued.  Maybe it’s time to rethink these questions and be sure you’re living authentically.

Watch this video to learn how Ben Angel says to find your purpose using 3 key emotions.


How to Find Your Purpose

Best-selling author of CLICK, Sleeping Your Way to The Top in Business and Flee 9-5, is Australia’s leading marketing authority.

December 9, 2016Facebook LikeTwitterLinkedInEmailMore

Finding your purpose can be a long journey full of twists and turns, but that’s OK—and even recommended. You can only discover your life’s mission by exposing yourself to new experiences, and that’s what prepares you to step into your purpose.

This kind of experimentation brings people closer to their deepest desires. It’s the gradual process of exploring and shaping oneself for the next chapter of their life that makes the difference. But when the mind gets stuck, focusing heavily on the absence of purpose, embracing the process can be a challenge.


“The problem is, we get so hung up on doing just one thing for the rest of our lives, and in the process of trying to work out what that one thing is, we box ourselves in and create resistance that prevents it from appearing.”


No one was put on earth to do just one thing. That kind of lifestyle would only rob people of the experiences that create the person they are becoming. Without those challenges, no one would have the resilience to live out their true purpose in life.


“You’re already in the process of living your purpose, you’re just yet to reveal the next phase to yourself…. Subconsciously, you already know what your purpose is. You’re just too scared to claim it.”


Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit today.  You can Subscribe, on the right side of this page, if you’d like to be notified of future posts.

Thanks for stopping buy, John

15 Ways To Get Re-Inspired

15 Ways To Get Re-Inspired

My Life Path
My Life Path

We start out having a plan, a dream, a goal to achieve something great.  With all the twists and changes that life sends us, sometimes, we get lost and lose our inspiration.

Here’s some great advice I found that will help you get back on track.

15 Ways To Get Re-Inspired
by  Chad Howse

1. Be in nature

Be in nature at least once a month. It’s in nature that we find inspiration. It’s where we remove ourselves from the noise of our day to day lives, find clarity, and focus.

If you’re constantly “in it”, you’ll find your mind will clutter, and your inspiration will flee. Venture to the great out doors and let adventure inspire you.

2. Surround yourself with motivated people

You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most. If you hang our with millionaire’s, odds are you’re one as well. If you hang out with motivated people, you’re probably a motivated person as well.

Be very cognizant of who you hang out with. Choose your friends wisely. They’re influence on you is unavoidable.

3. Never think you’re “there”

I’ll always think that I have to improve on my writing – and that I have a long way to go to being a good writer. It keeps me inspired to learn and grow. If I thought I was a good writer I’d not only be lying to myself, but I’d be allowing laziness to peer its head into my life.

Laziness is the devil. Don’t think you’re great, be great.

4. Don’t attempt insignificant feats

Do you get excited by small goals that you know you can accomplish with ease? Of course not. It’s the big, audacious, bold goals and dreams that excite you, so don’t waste your time with the small stuff. Think bigger and be bigger.

5. Be healthy

Be healthy and active. If you’re healthy you’ll have more energy, and if you have more energy you’ll find that you’re far more motivated and inspired than you are if you’re tired and sluggish.

Take pride in your health and your work. Being healthy is a tool that you can use to your advantage, or something that can work against you. What’s great is it’s completely up to you.

6. Read often

Great men have always been voracious readers. Napoleon was, as is Gates, and so was Jobs. If you want to be inspired, pick up a book, it never fails. If a paperback book slows you down then you can always listen to self development audio books.

7. Have tunnel vision

Don’t have a back-up plan, a floor, or a ceiling. Failure shouldn’t be an option, nor should you put a limit on your success.

Focus on one goal, and let that one goal be the only thing that matters.

8. Get excited by adversity

It’s in struggle that we grow. Get excited about this. Too many allow adversity crush their enthusiasm and motivation, but it shouldn’t. It’s a challenge, and challenges are exciting.

Rise to them. Don’t get pushed back by anything.

9. Love problem solving

The road to success is, essentially, one big problem you have to solve. Let that problem excite you. Don’t look at your long, arduous road to success as a negative, instead look at it as a positive journey.

Your mindset will dictate how inspired you are and whether or not you remain consistently inspired and focused.

10. Remove negative people from your life entirely

Negative people are the cancer of society, but they don’t need to be a negative influence on your life. Just get rid of them, and get rid of them now!

If you’re only surrounded by inspired people, you to will be inspired, motivated, and happy.

11. Write 3 things you’re thankful for everyday

We far too often focus only on what we don’t have, rather than everything we do have. The problem with that approach is that happiness will forever elude our grasp.

If our happiness and motivation is contingent on a future accomplishment, when we accomplish what we’ve set out to do, we’ll then make our happiness contingent on an even greater accomplishment. Thus, happiness will always be out of our grasp.

Be happy and thankful first, then let that enthusiasm and energy inspire you to accomplish greatness.

12. Practice success

Practice success by identifying the little goals that you accomplish in your life. Write down your accomplishments, even if they’re small like going for a run or writing an article for a publication.

Practice success everyday and you’ll live life as a successful person.

13. Be a fighter

I love a man who grins when he fights. Winston Churchill

I love that quote. It reminds me of the song Fighter, by Bruce Springsteen. Enjoy adversity. Welcome it. Adversity is what will make you stronger. It’s only through great adversity that great men and women reach accomplish what they’ve set out to accomplish.

If success was easy, everyone would be there. Get inspired by your struggles just like a fighter gets motivated to step into the ring and see what he’s made of.

14. Eat healthy

Eating unhealthy leads to depression and obesity. It’s nearly impossible to be inspired when your body is uninspiring or you’re depressed.

As a simple rule for eating healthy, eat only things that you can pick or kill. Your diet should be made up of things that come from the earth. Stay away from anything man-made or packaged.

15. Study greatness

There are patterns to success. The more you study great people, the more you’ll see these patterns and incorporate them in your own life. Don’t, however, merely read about great people, study their lives. If you can, read about what others close to them have said, read articles about how they accomplished greatness.

Greatness inspires. The more you see that success can, indeed, happen, the more you’ll be inspired to accomplish your own audacious goals.

You can even read inspirational quotes, that will be sure to motivate you and shift you into the right frame of mind to be openly inspired.

It’s those few who are consistently inspired by a greater purpose beyond their own gain that shape the world we live in. So how do we join these few in forging not only our own successful endeavors, but seeing such profound success that the world benefits as well?


Are you ready to get back on your life path now?  Let’s go!

Thanks for stopping by, John