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9 Travel Safety Tips from a Former CIA Agent

9 Travel Safety Tips from a Former CIA Agent

Baby Boomer Grandpa and Grandmas, as well as most of us like to travel.  We even take our grand kids on trips with us and share the wonders of this great world.

Just because we are away from home doesn’t mean it’s time to let your safety guard down.  We still need to be aware of who is around us and what is going on near us.  That’s just one of the basic safety steps we need to always be doing.  Be Alert.

In today’s world we must be extra alert.  Spot a package lying around unattended, then report it.

That’s not to say we should stay home.  Let’s get out there and travel every chance we get!  Just stay alert and fun will be had by all.

Here are some great tips from a former CIA Agent who’s traveled to places we’d probably never think of going.  I’ve been doing a few, so it’s nice to hear that a professional agrees with me.  I especially like numbers 3, 7, 8, and 9.

9 Travel Safety Tips from a Former CIA Agent


Keep a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door, even when you’re not there.

A veteran intelligence operative on how to curb risks during a hotel stay. (Stay away from the top floor, you fools!)

Drew Dwyer, a Marine Corps veteran and former decade-long CIA operative, has traveled far and wide both domestically and internationally, and has participated in covert operations across five continents. (We would tell you more, but…you know.) Having stayed in hundreds of hotels, Dwyer shared his hotel safety check-in tips on, which we’ve distilled below. Needless to say, bed bugs were the least of his concerns.

1. Acquire or make a copy of the fire escape plan on the back of your door. Most of these just slide out.

2. Do not stay on the ground or the top floor. The ground floor is readily accessible to intruders and the top floor does not allow any room to maneuver.

3. Keep the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door, even when you are not there.

4. Always assume the room is bugged. Keep the radio or TV turned on with the volume on low at all times—even when you are not in the room.

5. Keep the drapes/blinds pulled at all times, even when unoccupied.

6. Keep a light on in the room when unoccupied.

7. Keep a small “bug-out bag” packed with must-have items (money, ID, passport, etc.) in the event of an emergency departure.

8. Carry a motion alarm that can be placed over the doorknob. They are about $20 and can be found in most electronics stores.

9. Keep a flashlight next to the bed and within arm’s reach.

Irrespective of this list, it pays to note that hotels are becoming safer by the minute. And while we won’t be adhering to all of these tips anytime soon, there is something to be said for minimizing your risk as a traveler—and these suggestions can certainly help do that. Sometimes, after all, it pays to be James Bond.

Original post is at

Hope you enjoyed this article, Happy Travels, thanks, John