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Tag: Grandkids

3 Reasons to Go Outside

3 Reasons to Go Outside

3 Reasons to start Walking in Nature as part of your exercise routine

  1. You feel better mentally and physically
  2. Walking is a gentle yet effective exercise
  3. Nature is rejuvenating just being in it

5 Steps to Declutter Your Life

5 Steps to Declutter Your Life


It’s time to declutter your life and spend more time with the grandkids you love so much.

I found this great article att

Stop Adding Stuff To Your Life, It’s Time To Declutter Your Soul Now


We live in a society that always tells us to get more.

You may be doing this unconsciously, because you’ve always been living this way and that’s your environment.

You’re buying more stuff, which you then need to take care of and fix. You make more friends, but that doesn’t mean you spend time with quality people who lift you up. You consume a lot of information daily, but most of it has nothing to do with your life and goals, and only brings you stress and worries. You add more tasks to your to-do list all the time, but most often you’re just keeping yourself busy, and still not getting the important things done.

Such life is complex. And this complexity makes us overthink, doesn’t let us fall asleep fast, makes us anxious because we are in a rush all the time and try to stay up-to-date.

It’s time to stop doing that.

Simpler is better. Less is what you need more of and it’s the power of eliminating the unnecessary that will let you find more meaning in your days and more happiness in your soul.

Here are some little changes you can make to your lifestyle today that will help you declutter:

1. Analyze how you spend your time and remove unproductive activities.

Keep track of how you spend your time over the course of a few days. Write down everything you do. Then, review these and see what doesn’t give you any results, doesn’t make you happy or help you improve in any way. It’s just pointless to keep doing it.

You may be amazed at how many unproductive things you’re doing daily, without even realizing. That’s why you’ll need to track and review this weekly, to make sure you don’t fall into that trap again.

Soon, you’ll see less events in your calendar, less tasks on your to-do list and more time for the important things.

2. Get rid of belongings you don’t use.

Now let’s move onto the belongings you have.

Be honest with yourself and say what you haven’t used in the last 6 months or so. It doesn’t really matter how precious you think it is, it only takes up space.

If you don’t take control of such possessions, you’ll end up living in the prison of your past, feeling nostalgic every time you look at these objects, and not having the chance to let go. So be ruthless. Give away stuff, sell it, and throw away the rest.

You’re better off without all that burden. Your future self will thank you for doing that, plus it’s a big step of your spiritual journey. You’ll now have more peace of mind, will feel freer than ever and ready to actually go after your goals in life.

3. Keep negativity away.

It’s time to clear your mind now. Negative thoughts don’t have any place there, especially if you want to change yourself and turn your whole life around.

Start small. Notice the negativity in your mind and soul, recognize it, observe it and try to see what causes it. You may journal your thoughts to see some occurring themes. Maybe you’re negative after communicating with someone from your surroundings, or every day after doing a certain thing, or else.

Then, you’ll simply need to remove that or stop doing it to overcome that mental habit.

After that you can start taking charge of what goes in your mind. When you see a negative thought popping up, stop, say no and replace it with a positive one instead.

4. Keep things organized.

Find a place for everything in your home and office and keep it there. When you take it, put it back there.

A simple habit like that is the foundation of your personal organization skills. It will save you a lot of time and worries, you won’t forget where things are and will see a decluttered room and desk every time you enter.

5. Stop saying yes to everything.

Our time is limited. We only have 24 hours in a day. And if we want to work on the things we believe in, but to also have time to rest, have fun and be with our loved ones, we’ll need to prioritize. Stop accepting every proposal you get, don’t start new projects every week, don’t set many goals at once and avoid working on more than one thing at a time.

All this will improve your performance and help you exceed in life, as you’ll only be working on the things that actually matter. You’ll also be happier and will prevent burnout. Adding stuff is never the answer. To get back to your path in life, to see clearly where you’re going and to start having fun and be calm again, you’ll need to remove anything that’s not essential.

Keep only what’s important to you. There’s no time for the rest.

What else can you eliminate today to declutter your soul?

It’s worth it to feel happier.

Thanks for stopping by, John

An Airstream, Grandkids and the Outdoors

An Airstream, Grandkids and the Outdoors

“I love you because you take me on adventures”, Megan


As  Baby Boomers, and Empty Nester’s, our life paradigm is changing rapidly.  The words Grandpa and Grandma and Retired are defined and lived differently than they were just 10 years ago.

What do those words and time of life mean now?  Where’s the life manual?  How do we do it?Can we copy how are parents lived those words?  I say, “no way Jose”.  We have the opportunity and the urgency to create a new new paradigm that we feel comfortable with and enjoy.  At the same time it needs to “fit in” and benefit our children, grandchildren and family.

The possibilities for our new time in life are limitless.  For me, it’s downsizing to a single level patio home, healthy eating, exercise, being outdoors more, writing, blogging, traveling, photography, cooking, reading, life long learning and becoming semi-retired and looking forward to “full retirement”.  But, I never want to be fully retired.  There’s too many fun things to do.  If I can earn some more retirement money while doing all this that’s even better.

What does that mean to me?  And, to YOU?  The options are truly amazing and invigorating.

Today, I was surfing the world on the internet and found this story about a young family that is taking their toddler and a pick up and Airstream and touring our nations true treasures, our National Parks and other sites.

While you watch this think of the possibilities and how you might do something like this, with Grand kids!


Tomorrow Somewhere New

For me, this really brings back fond memories as my father worked for the National Park Service and I got to visit most of the parks West of the Mississippi.  I love the outdoors, and the beauty God created.

What does traveling as a young family have to do with Baby Boomers?  As I mentioned, we’re re-inventing ourselves and can do almost anything.  The first idea is to do what many Boomers are and travel the country with a trailer or motor-home.  Sounds fun right?  How about putting a little twist on that concept?  You can take your grand kids with you!

What?  Be stuck in a trailer with all that pent up energy?  Yes.  They will love being outdoors and exploring nature and America the Beautiful.

How?  I recommend bonding with your grandchild by going on walks with them and test them with an sleepover at your house.  If that goes well, try a day trip working up to a weekend or longer.  Their age, maturity and interests will determine where you go.  When choosing a place remember the trip is about them not only you.  Give it a try.  You’ll be surprised how much you learn about each other, how much fun you’ll have and the loving bond it creates.  Besides, being outdoors rejuvenates your Spirit.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Come back soon.

Live Life Well, John