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Tag: getting what you want

Live Epic with Lisa Nichols

Live Epic with Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols is one of the nicest and enthusiastic people I know of.  I always feel hopeful and inspired after watching one of her talks.  Hope you enjoy this one.

Here she shows how you can Do Good, Live Epic and really enjoy life without selling your soul to the devil.  She says, “I used to think it was all about making money, but that was because I was broke!”

Hope you enjoyed this and feel Inspired to live your Authentic Life.

Thanks, John


Fun Manifesting

Fun Manifesting




All of use desire to improve our lives and manifest new circumstances, people, things, etc.  Often, those teaching us “how” make it sound so serious and even hard.  Well, it doesn’t have to be.  Here, Christie Marie Sheldon shows us how to access our imagination and child like thoughts and dreams and use them to Manifest anything.

Here’s what she says:

“Learning how to manifest on purpose is easier than you think. In fact, the real secret is, once you learn how, it’s almost ridiculously easy! The following ‘rules’ can be applied to anything you desire to bring into your life.

Learning how to manifest is easy with Love or Above!

1. Take the stress out of it. Why take manifesting so seriously? You already know the value of hard work, but you don’t have to make such an big adult deal out of manifesting. Think of it as a game, as a pure game of pretend like you did when you were a child. Approach manifesting from the perspective of play, delight, fun… to take your needy, desperate, fearful and lack-based vibes out of the equation. A child’s imagination knows no bounds. Unfortunately, as adults we have placed some pretty hefty limitations on our imaginations, for no good reason except that other people said so – for example, “you can’t get ahead without a college education” or “it takes money to make money” or “it’s not what you know but who you know.” Says who? Tell that nonsense to the many self-made millionaires who started out with no education, no money, nothing but a lot of imagination and desire. Try this:

1. Pretend you don’t need it. Whatever you want is purely for your enjoyment. It’s the icing on the cake, a little extra to make your life sweeter. But you don’t need it.

2. Believe what you see in your mind. Whatever you want already exists in your imagination, doesn’t it? Therefore it is just as real as any other idea you have ever had that came to fruition. Play with the belief that what you want is already waiting for you. You’ve placed the order, now you’re on your way to pick it up. What have you got to lose? After all, you don’t “need” what you desire, it’s just for fun. It’s all pretend!

3. Believe in the power of your thoughts and emotions. You know how good it feels to have what you want. Embody that feeling and infuse your visualization with its powerful vibration. It’s all good. Relax into it and have fun.

4. Believe in the ‘impossible’. You’re just playing, and in ‘imagination land’ everything is possible and you know it. You don’t question, you just know. Let that knowing transcend any “but” thoughts your logical mind comes up with! Have fun with this and leave the logical mind at home. This is about using the power of thoughts, emotions and your intentions only. You don’t need to worry if or how it will manifest. It’s all play.

5. Throw yourself into it. A child puts him- or herself completely into their imaginary world. Put yourself in yours!

6. Don’t worry, be happy! Positive vibrations attract positive vibrations. Most of us think, “I’ll be happy when… (I find that special someone, land that deal, get a new house, etc.)…” sure you will, but will your current energetic vibration attract those things you want?

  • Are you vibrating “I don’t think I deserve that, even though it would be really nice…” instead of “I’m so happy, and more goodness is on its way!”

  • Which one is better: “I’m in love with this dream, but I don’t know how to make it happen!” or “I’m in love with this dream and I just love how it’s all coming together for me!”

Believe in your vision! It is already real!Believe in your vision! It is already real!

Worry, fear, anxiety, doubt or resistance in the form of limiting beliefs pollute and dilute your vibration. Check out the Love or Above Spiritual Toolkit and learn how happiness will make you a magnet for what you desire. Fill yourself with positive emotions. Fill every cell with love, happiness, joy, peace… and let that light, bright energy radiate outward to attract what you want! The more you amplify positive emotions, the higher and more powerful your vibe will be!

7. See what you want to see. Visualization is a powerful vibration booster. Physical reality isn’t far behind the wonderful ideas you plant in your imagination – IF you water them with love, enthusiasm, unwavering belief and lots of happiness.

8. Just for fun, imagine it really is this easy to manifest anything you want. We’ve all been brought up believing that hard work is the only way to get what we want, but that’s just not true. Money is just a means of exchange and if you put out the right vibrations, you will attract the situations that call for inspired (read: joyful) action, and then you’ll get the results you desire. It’s important to hold your visualization for as long as you can without any mental or emotional interruption: aim for at least half a minute several times a day, consistently, for a month or so.

9. Upgrade your beliefs. Many people also have a bottleneck of positive energy when it comes to money – usually rooted in beliefs of scarcity and unworthiness. But since money is nothing but a number and a means of exchange… do you believe in the scarcity of the things you would purchase with that money? Hmmm….. you don’t, do you? Do you believe that you are not worthy of having food, shelter, nice things… well, there you might have a bit of trouble so I encourage you to have a chat – a long, deep chat – with your Higher Self and your angels and guides. They will steer you in the right direction of believing that you are a Divine being who IS – absolutely – worthy of what you desire.

Beocme a conscious creator!Become a conscious creator!

10. Become a conscious creator. You are already a pro at manifesting. You have, for the most part unconsciously, created a default existence based on your beliefs. There’s no reason why you can’t create an awesome life, using the proper techniques. All you need to do is take conscious control of manifesting instead of defaulting according to your old beliefs. Create new beliefs, guide your thoughts, emotions and visualization; feel the delight of watching your imagination become reality; raise your vibration by being happy and loving; and watch your dreams come true!”

See how fun and easy Christie’s method is?  Try it today.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, make it a great day, John

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