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Tag: expectations

Put God First by the Great Denzel Washington

Put God First by the Great Denzel Washington

Whenever I find myself wondering and lost and ready to give up on my dreams, I turn to people like this and suddenly life feels better and filled with possibilities. You can do the same.

#Denzel Washington Wise Words for YOU!
This man has accomplished so many good things during his life. Let him be one of your guides on your path to personal greatness.

I hope you enjoyed Denzels talk and that you take away and use his wise words.

Thanks for stopping by and please return, John

10 Mindful Attitudes

10 Mindful Attitudes

Our minds can be our worst enemy or our best friend and most powerful tool.  It’s up to you because you thoughts and words create your life.  Best advice for happiness and getting what you want, Mind Your Thoughts!

Here, gives us tips to deal with Anxiety.

10 mindful attitudes that rewire your brain to let go of anxiety

Anxiety is more of a curse than anything else. You can’t cure it with the perfect medicine, and it doesn’t go away passively like a cold.

Anxiety demands your attention, while making you more fearful of giving it your attention the closer you look at it.

But deep down, defeating anxiety consists of taking part in a power struggle for your brain. Ridding yourself of anxiety is a mental exercise; keeping it away is a mental habit.

This is where adopting mindful attitudes can be hugely beneficial.

Here are the 10 best mindful attitudes to rewire your brain to let go of anxiety:

1) Find the Goodness In Every Moment, Even The Ones You Don’t Like

Some of us have issues with the lessons of mindfulness. This comes from the fear of living in the present, because the present isn’t always as great as we want it to be.

By living with mindfulness, they believe that they are withholding from themselves the ability to disengage or escape.

But that’s exactly what mindfulness tries to teach—not every moment can be positive or beautiful, and not every moment should be positive or beautiful.

We must learn to live with every moment, even the ones that we dislike, because those are the ones we learn from most.

2) You Can’t Do Everything

One of our greatest sources of anxiety is the fear that we can’t fix everything and we can’t make everything right.

Take a minute every day to stop and tell yourself, “That’s right—I can’t fix everything.” Accept the limitations of your being and you will be happier with what you have seen yourself accomplish.

Free up the energy and time that would rather have been spent worrying about things out of your control.

Don’t judge yourself and don’t push yourself too hard. Do as much as you can and find peace.

3) Always Be Present

The modern world makes it so hard to live in the present. We’re always dreaming of future wants and needs; we’re always looking at great pictures of past events; and we’re always distracting ourselves from the present moment with social media and technology.

There’s one thing you need to do, and only one: Stop. Engage with your present in the way you would want others to engage with you—with their full attention.

Feel the moment as it passes knowing that it will never return; do not hold anything against it simply because it isn’t an amazing moment. Engage with your senses and open your mind.

4) Let Yourself Be Surprised

These days, too many people think they know everything. We are always trying to predict, to foresee, to judge before we know the full story. But this ruins the way we experience events, because we are always ready to say “Ha! I told you so!”

Stop trying to prove yourself to the world. You don’t have to know everything, so why bother? Let life take you down a road without predicting every part of the path for once, and you will understand the true joy of what it’s like to be genuinely surprised.

5) Surrender to the World

Too often, we are taught to resist. To fight against change, to keep things the way we want them to stay, and to do everything in our power to make sure tomorrow is exactly like today.

But the world doesn’t operate according to your whims and fancies; the world changes, and this is a part of reality.

So the best way to deal with this? Accept it. Surrender. Let go, and flow with the waves that are pushing you a certain direction. Who knows—you may find something better on the other side.

6) Stop Trying to Understand

The modern world has turned all of us into a pile of neurotics. We obsess over knowledge and information and knowing, and any time we don’t know, we are just a few thumb presses away from Google.

Simply put, we are taught that we have to know everything, and that not knowing is something to be ashamed about.

But constantly labeling everything will make things less organic, less natural. Try to step back and let life unfold naturally, without you forcing it to happen faster than it can.

Breathe, exist, and interact, and if you don’t know something, then, well, you don’t know.

7) Trust in the Universe

How do you achieve your dreams? There are thousands of people who have earned everything they ever wanted, even if they came from nothing. The answer? They took a leap of faith. They put everything they had into their dreams and said, “F*ck it, let’s go.”

They trusted the Universe, or God, or something; something greater than them, to help lead them on their way to their hopes and dreams. You don’t have to be religious to believe that there’s something bigger than you looking out for you. Just the belief is enough to change your whole disposition.

8) Stop Analyzing

Let’s say you’re traveling somewhere, and you get lost. You might end up getting worried, getting upset.

You check your phone, check the GPS, check the maps, update your social media platforms, call your friends, freak out, and a thousand other things.

But all of these are the wrong answer. Just stop. Stop analyzing, stop overthinking. What has happened has already happened, and the best way to get out of the situation is not to think about every little thing that caused it, but to just keep going on.

9) One Thing At A Time

Multi-tasking is the bane of a mindful existence. Why do we always have to be busy, why always in a rush? Success, recognition, fame, money—are these really all the things that matter?

Focus. Concentration. Presence. Stability. These can contribute so much more to the current condition of your life than arbitrary goals of success and recognition.

You don’t have to be the best and you don’t have to beat everyone around you. Learn to be present, instead of a shadow moving from one state to another.

Learn to start living your life like someone who is alive.

10) Hold No Grudges

We can’t always live a peaceful existence. Emotions and reactions are normal, and disagreements happen all the time. Anger, grief, rage, pain—these are parts of life that can’t be avoided.

But grudges? Grudges are unhealthy. They are unnatural. They are no longer emotional reactions, but conscious decisions to continue holding a pain or anger against someone else for something that has already passed.

The one hard truth about grudges is that they hurt you much more than the person you are holding it against.

Why? Because the grudge is always on your mind, while it only affects them when you are around. Start letting go, and start accepting what has happened.

Looking to reduce stress and live a calmer, more focused life? Mindfulness is the easy way to gently let go of stress and be in the moment. It has fast become the slow way to manage the modern world – without chanting mantras or finding hours of special time to meditate.

In Hack Spirit’s new eBook, The Art of Mindfulness, we explain how you can use mindfulness practically to help you clear your mind, let go of your worries and live peacefully in the present moment.

By devoting full attention on what we are doing in the moment, we can alleviate suffering, fear and anxiety.

With the power of mindfulness at our fingertips and the beauty of looking deeply, we can find insights to transform and heal any situation.

Check it out here.

I hope you enjoyed this post.  Stop by again.  Thanks, John

See the Joy in Life

See the Joy in Life

What is Joy?  It’s a noun, “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”.

But what does it mean to you?  Does it have to be “great”?  Only big life events, getting married, the birth of a child, a graduation, getting that job you’ve always wanted, buying your first house or having your first book published.

If you only feel Joy when big events occur you’re probably not getting the full dose of Joy that you deserve.  There’s so much more Joy to be had.  Many times we get so busy, stressed and are living on autopilot that we miss little things that can put a smile on our face and Joy in our heart.

Luckily, you can change that and have more Joy in your life with very little effort.  Just change your mindset and expectations.  It’s easy to start.  When you go about your day practice being present and in the moment and expect to find the Joy all around you.  Quiet all the chatter and noise in your head.  Take three slow and deep breathes. Focus on what you’re doing each moment.  Notice how your body reacting to what you’re doing and adjust your thoughts and actions to feel more relaxed.  Look around you for little things that you usually don’t notice.  You’ll be surprised by the beauty around you and by peoples acts of kindness.  You’ll see others helping each other.


How could you help someone or make them smile and feel good?  Open a door for a stranger, carry someones groceries for them.  These little gestures will put Joy in their hearts as well as yours.


Through out the day keep your eyes open, notice fresh flowers on the table, the wildflowers that grow among the weeds on the side of the road.  What do you see in the cloud formations?  Use your imagination, see the angel or the horse in the clouds?

I hope this encourages you to slow down, calm your thoughts and open your eyes to the Joy that can be found if you just look.

Thanks for stopping by.  Share with your friends if you like.


Photos copyrighted by John McFadden, Permission required to use.

10 Blessings for This Season

10 Blessings for This Season

The Holiday Season, yes Christmas, and other faith based holidays are known to be stressful for lots of people including Baby Boomers and many people around the world. Today, I’d like to give you these 10 Blessings. Keep your dreams alive and set high expectations for your life.  You can keep these words in your heart and mind and make good use of them.  Share them with others who need to know that someone cares for them.

May your Holidays and the coming new year be the best ever for you and yours.

10 Blessings for You
10 Blessings for You

Thanks for stopping by.  Come back soon, John

Dreams and Greatness

Dreams and Greatness

IMG_1005                                                                     Sweet Dreams

Your Are Great!

Every one of us has dreams for our lives.  Some only dream and some take action, some give up and some keep going until our dream becomes our reality.

I found this quote, don’t know who wrote it, but I think it gives us hope.

“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself”.

Pretty good advice if you ask me. Add this to your Vision Board and read it everyday.  You’ll be surprised at what happens.

“A dream not written down is merely a wish”.  Make your Dream a Goal!

Have a great day, John

In Life, Choose Wisely

In Life, Choose Wisely

As the Knight in Indiana Jones Last Crusade said, “You must choose, Choose wisely”, we are faced with hundreds of decisions every day.  From the instant we awake to going to sleep we are making decisions that shape our lives.  As you know, “your inner world, creates your outer world”.  What you think about most and focus on is what you’ll get more of.  You’re brain merely follows the instructions you give it, without question.

Choose Wisely!

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Life Expectations

Life Expectations

When life doesn’t match your expectations or wants, you will be unhappy, in pain, even depressed.

How do you overcome this problem?

The short answer is, write down your expectations, clearly leaving 3 lines between each one.

Under each expectation on the first line, write down your current status of achieving or living that expectation.  Most importantly, did deep into your mind and past programing, and decide if each one is Still a Valid Expectation.  Is it something you still want to have or achieve in life?  Is it really?  If not, get ride of it, get it out of your mind and praise yourself for making positive change!

On the next line, write down what you have to do to reach and live that expectation.  Do you need to go to school for it, get a licensed, move to another city, take lessons, or network with people already doing it.

Finally, review your life and expectations as they are now and decide if you want to add new expectations or maybe revise the old ones.

This is all about you and what you want in life.  You are writing the movie script of your life and the finished product will play on your Big Screen of You Mind.  So make it exactly what YOU want.  Dream big.

As I like to say,
Think Good Thoughts
Speak Good Words
Do Good Things

Start writing your life script NOW!

Thanks for stopping by, John

Life Expectations

Life Expectations

When life doesn’t match your expectations or wants, you will be unhappy, in pain, even depressed.

How do you overcome this problem?

The short answer is, write down you expectations, clearly leaving 3 lines between each one.

Under each expectation on the first line, write down your current status of achieving or living that expectation. Most importantly, did deep into your mind and past programing, and decide if each one is Still a Valid Expectation. Is it something you still want to have or achieve in life? Is it really? If not, get ride of it, get it out of your mind and praise yourself for making positive change!

On the next line, write down what you have to do to reach and live that expectation. Do you need to go to school for it, get a licensed, move to another city, take lessons, or network with people already doing it.

Finally, review your life and expectations as they are now and decide if you want to add new expectations or maybe revise the old ones.

This is all about you and what you want in life. You are writing the movie script of your life and the finished product will play on your Big Screen of You Mind. So make it exactly what YOU want. Dream big.

As I like to say,
Think Good Thoughts
Speak Good Words
Do Good Things

Start writing your life script NOW!

Thanks for stopping by, John