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Tag: encouragement

“It’s only words, and words are all I have”

“It’s only words, and words are all I have”

Our brain is the most powerful computer in the Universe.

The Words we say to ourselves consciously and subconsciously determine our lives.  We must have a constant vigil of our words.  Use positive, re-enforcing, motivating and passionate words to create the life you want.

When we say, “I knew I couldn’t do it”, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But, when we say, “I know I can do this”, that too is a self-fulfilling prophecy!  It’s the same number of words, it takes the same amount of effort to think or say.  Which would you rather use?

This is a great quote to help you remember the power of YOUR WORDs:

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

-Frank Outlaw

As your mother used to tell you, “Watch your words my dear!”

Your words can make you HAPPY, or sad, it’s your choice!

Thanks, come back soon.

(© by John McFadden, 2011)

Service and Success, Albert Einstein Quote

Service and Success, Albert Einstein Quote

Seventy Years Loving and Helping One Another

Frequently, I find quotes that deserve to be shared with you.  This is one of them.

With the greed on Wall Street  and other negative elements in life, and the terrible, brutal assaults on children and even strangers, everyone needs to step back and evaluate what is important in life.

It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service…. Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. ” —Albert Einstein

As the Beatles sang, “All You Need Is Love”.  Spread your love in the world and you will get the same in return.

Love to all.

Come back soon.

Five Human Truths

Five Human Truths

As we look at our lives from the solitude and darkness within, to the sunny landscape around us we realize each of us are very different and unique.  We all have our own voice and spirit that is unique to us.  No one else is exactly like us. As mentioned in my previous post Now Is The Time For Reflection, it’s important to take time, at least once per year, to take some personal, alone time to reflect on where we are now, if we are being true to ourselves and where we want to go in the future.

Even with this uniqueness there are some things that each of us needs, just like others around us.  The Starwood Hotels group describes them as the Five Human Truths.  They strive to fulfill them each time you are their guest.    What is it that all of us need to feel good?

The 5 Human Truths

1)  We need to be understood

2)  We want to belong

3)  We long to feel special

4)  We crave more control over our lives

5)  We dream of reaching our potential.

When you’re by yourself, reflecting on the future, be sure these basic needs as well as your unique needs are being met.  If they are, life will be easier and feel more fulfilled.

You deserve to Live Well and be the real YOU!

Do You Know Who You Are, really?

Do You Know Who You Are, really?

We tend to attach our identity to one part of our lives.  It could be work, “I’m an accountant”, “I work for 3M”, or it could be a person, “I’m Mary’s husband”.  But aren’t you a whole lot more than that one thing?

Yes you are.  As an example, your job does not define you and it shouldn’t consumer all your waking thoughts.  Instead, honor all that you are and can be.  When you think of yourself as a whole person, your work, your relationships, your artistic side, your love of sports, and your charitable activities you will be happier.  That happiness will be projected out into the world and new people and opportunities will come your way.

So, how do you decide who you really are?

One way is to ask yourself the “I am …….” questions.

Get a piece of paper and write down “I am (a good person, happy, a good brother/husband/sister/wife)”.

As you do this it’s important to say the words out loud.  Say what you are out loud, then write it down.  It sounds simple, most good things are, but keep at it.  Fill the page up with your wonderful traits, habits, talents, etc.

When you’re done say them out loud everyday.  Soon, you’ll find yourself with more confidence, holding your head up high, being happier, living life with style, and show the world who you are.  Then you’ll attract new people into your life and you’ll help each other to live your dreams.

Give it a try, it can’t hurt.

(I’d like to thank Denise Silvernail for introducing me to this technique. When your web site is up I’ll refer readers to you.)

What Message Are You Sending?

What Message Are You Sending?

Each of us create and send energy or vibes out to others and the world. That energy is then received and interpreted by others. They use the energy input to determine if and how they will react to us. This energy is being transmitted to others, constantly, and usually unconsciously. If you’re stuck in a rut or not being received the way you’d like, examine the energy you are putting out. That energy creates your present and future situation. So send positive energy to the Universe and it will come back to you in many ways, ways you’ve never dreamed of.

Go ahead, make some waves

Go ahead, make some waves

What should I do?
What should I do?

Are you wondering if you should make a change in your life?  Should you take that plunge?  Is it safe?

Be brave.  Go ahead and make some waves.  Go For It.
Be brave. Go ahead and make some waves. Go For It.

If you dare, take the plunge.  You will encounter people and circumstances along the way that are there to help you in your journey.  Sometimes your path may be a little unclear but you will find your way if you’re willing to make some waves.  If you aren’t making waves, you’re not moving forward in life.  Go ahead, make some waves, even if they’re small ones.  You’ll be glad you did.   You will be closer to being the REAL you and Living Well.

Do You Need Goals?

Do You Need Goals?

We all need  goals to get where we want to go.  Sometimes the goal is a simple as getting out of bed, or going to your favorite restaurant even if you are in your 90’s and it’s difficult to climb steps and walk very far.  Get up and keep going.

Write down your goals and write affirmations about how you’re going to achieve them.

Goals are best when stated simply with a detailed plan of how and when you’re going to achieve them.  Along with goals and affirmations, remember that “whatever you focus your mind on the most, is what you will create”.  So notice what you’re thinking about and make sure it’s something you want.

What goals do you have?

Maybe to hike 10 miles, to climb the 7 highest summits, to learn to tie your own shoe, to finish school, to start your own business, to pay off all your debt, to pay cash for everything, to retire comfortably, to have a loving relationship with a family member or friend, to lose weight or to travel the world.  Your goal can be as little or big as you want.  It’s your life, and they are your goals.  Choose wisely.

Here are two powerful statements about goals.  Think about them, they might help you achieve your dream.

1)     Dreams not written down are merely a wish.

2)    Those who do not have goals, will end up working for those who do.

So, what do you think, Do You Need Goals?

Your Powerful Mind

Your Powerful Mind

I was reading one of my favorite web sites, the Daily Om, and found this article.  It really sums up how powerful our mind and thoughts are and how, whether we are aware of it or not, we are creating our lives with these powerful thoughts.

Hope you enjoy this and that it makes you think about what you are thinking about.

The Creation Ground of Experience

By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with your thoughts, you truly create your reality.

Our thoughts are powerful forces in the creation of our experience of life. You may be able to recall a time when frustration that was based on a misunderstanding completely evaporated when your understanding changed. This is because our interpretation defines our experience, and it can change in an instant. Our only true reality is the present moment, so rather than merely accepting that life is happening to us, we can harness the power of our thoughts to actively create a positive reality. For example, we can choose to appreciate beauty around us rather than focusing on traffic or look for admirable qualities in the people we deal with rather than focusing on the negative. By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with your thoughts, you truly create your reality.

Throughout the day, we can monitor our thoughts to catch ourselves in the middle of investing our energy elsewhere—such as into belief in limitations—and instead pull our focus back to the infinite possibilities of the present. Taking a deep breath will help us center our thoughts on being in our bodies right now. Regular meditation allows us to gain mastery over our minds so that we can still our thoughts to focus on the pureness of being. If we mentally dwell on the past or the future, we may miss the experience of living in the present moment. Setting and visualizing goals is wonderful, but we can bring our thoughts into our current experience by taking steps to create them now.

Our minds are powerful tools that we can harness to create our reality. Through them we move the unformed energy of the universe into form, which gives us direction for our words and actions. Each thought is like a stone dropped into a lake, sending ripples out into our world to affect all they touch. We can choose our focus and how we invest our energy, which gives us the power to design our lives to be whatever we choose in each and every moment.

Hello world!

Hello world!

Welcome to our new blog.  We will start posting soon.

Here you’ll find inspiration, encouragement, techniques and tools to help you discover your skills, talents, passion and your special Spirit inside you.

Whether you need help with your own business, career, personal life, relationships you’ll find help here.

We’ll offer life and career coaching, meditations, helpful and inspirational articles and reports, and other life changing tools.  We’ll also offer Art, Photographs and some Fiction pieces.  Maybe even a few travel stories.

We hope you visit us often.

Go in true Spirit with Compassion.