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Holiday Spending

Holiday Spending

This is a great post from my friend Doug Nelson at Catch Fire University.

(If you ever get a chance to attend a Millionaire Minds event that Doug presents it’s a must see.  It will change your life)

HOLIDAY SPENDING is JANUARY’s CREDIT CARD BILL; THREE TIPS to getting the BIGGEST Bang for your Buck every year.

Posted by on December 10, 2013 in Financial Freedom

It is SOOOO easy to get caught up in the Holiday Spending. From the hot deals and bargains that entice, to the food, decorations and of course the presents. January is a painful month for most people; the dreaded Credit Card statement shows up and it is at least a month or two of paying interest fees to get that sucker paid off. Sound Familiar?

The thing is the holidays come around EVERY YEAR and even at the exact same time!!! So if it is PREDICTABLE it is PREVENTABLE!!
Here are 3 fool proof tips that will get you through each year without cursing the holiday season in January; ‘cause let’s face it, GIVING isn’isn’t GIVING if it hurts you or if it is just to maintain an image.

1. ACTUALLY PLAN FOR IT EACH YEAR: Start a SAVINGS Account TODAY! It is simple and easy. Go to your Bank, set up an additional Savings account and then set up an automated monthly deposit from your checking account. Make it $25, $50 or $500…depends on you and your Budget.

Just $50 a month automatically into that savings account gives you $600 at Christmas time!

2. ADJUST YOUR MINDSET: It is NOT A COMPETITION! Who gives the most presents, who spends the most… and giving out of obligation is not giving at all.
The holiday season is about Gratitude, Giving and Forgiving. So make it count! Thoughtfulness is far more powerful than a new sweater, coffee machine, tool set etc…
A Secret Santa or Gift Exchange is a great way for each person to be extra thoughtful with ONE person.

3. ONLINE SHOPPING is where it is at!
It saves you TIME, GAS MONEY and you get GREAT DEALS delivered to your door!
How awesome is that!?

So with the $600 you SAVED, use the Credit Card anyway so you get POINTS or rewards, PAY it off right away and get the MOST Bang for your BUCK!
THIS SITE Auto-fills ALL the great ONLINE deals and Coupons at your favorite Stores.
It is connected to over 4,000 retailers online
It has the best comparison, search and cash back rewards system of any online retailer!
No goofy membership or fees!
If your gonna SPEND, SPEND SMART!!

Thanks for your great advice from Doug.

To save money online go to

Why US Government is in Financial Trouble

Why US Government is in Financial Trouble

Why is our U.S. government in financial trouble.  Basically, my opinion, is that it’s too complicated, too many departments, and rules and regulations.  It needs to be streamlined like most of the private sector has been doing the last few years.  Companies have had to find more efficient, more accurate and faster ways  to do business.  By doing so most, the survivors,  are now profitable or getting there.

I’d like to see our government do the same thing.  Unfortunately, I had an experience this week that shows they aren’t streamlining and making things easier for us.  As an example, a member of our family has a partially disabled child.  Our government has a wonderful program where the Mom and Dad can higher someone, even a relative, to come into the home a few hours per week and help them with the child.  Everything is good so far, and we are very blessed this program exists.

The area I think needs streamlining and cost savings could result is the application process to higher this helper.  The helper/employee had to fill out *8* forms.  The instructions and forms were about 1/4 inch thick, printed SINGLE sided.  And, the instructions used some strange wording making it harder to complete all the forms.

Why *8* forms?

Why 1/4 inch of paper?

Why printed single sided?

Why unclear terms were used?

We are very lucky to live in America and have our wonderful freedom and programs to assist those in need.  No need to get rid of the programs, just make them work efficiently and you’ll be amazed how much money and time could be saved.

Let’s stream line our government and our lives.  Life wasn’t intended to be so complicated!

Thanks for visiting, Inspire Someone Today.