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How to Believe in Yourself

How to Believe in Yourself

Believing You Can Do It!
Believing You Can Do It by Yourself!


Some people are very confident in themselves right from the start of live.  Others aren’t so much, and many are in between.  Here are some tips on how to turn that around and truly believe in yourself and do the things you love and create your perfect life!

Here we go….

How to Believe in Yourself in the Face of Overwhelming Self-Doubt

Stand Strong

“When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” ~Honore de Balzac

You know what that voice in your head says…

You can’t do it. You’ll never be good enough. You’re going to fail.

This voice taunts you whenever you set a goal. It criticizes you when life gets difficult. It beats you down when you struggle to stand up against its running commentary.

You know you shouldn’t let self-doubt bother you, but it’s a sneaky critter. Sometimes, you just can’t contain it and it slips past your barriers.

And self-doubt is greedy. When it’s loose, it devours your confidence, strips logic and reason from your mind, and steals happiness from your heart. In return, it leaves you with only fear and insecurity.

You try to remove self-doubt by forcing yourself to “think positive,” which usually doesn’t work as well as you think it should.

The more you fight your self-doubt, the more it fights back. However, with self-knowledge and understanding, you can use self-doubt for your benefit.

A Story about Crushing Dreams and “Being Realistic”

When I was a child, I was in love with drawing. For me, drawing was as exciting as going to the playground.

At some point in my childhood, I decided I’d become an artist of some kind. But the critics in my life were quick to cut me down. I’ll bet you’ve heard the same kind of clichés:

“Art is great but not a ‘realistic’ future goal. While it’s a nice hobby to have, you can’t really make a living out of it. You’ll just be another starving artist.”

As children, we internalize these negative messages and parrot them back. If the adults say so, it must be true, right? By adulthood, every time we have a small hope, we’re the first to snuff it out:

“Drawing is nice but not necessary. I’ll never be as good as the real professionals anyway. I don’t even have a degree from an accredited art school.”

For years I stopped myself before I even tried. I did it because I was afraid.

I was afraid of what people would say. I was afraid everyone would hate my art. I was afraid of failing as an artist.

When fear grabs you, your beloved goal forever feels out of reach. But it doesn’t just stop there, does it?

If left unchecked, the infectious bite of fear and self-doubt can spread. You unconsciously start questioning your knowledge and abilities in everything you do. And if you’re like me, you desperately want to find a cure.

One fateful day I realized that trying to beat out my self-doubt wouldn’t rebuild my confidence.

If I wanted to believe in myself, I needed to face my self-doubt and be willing to take care of it.

Before, I imagined self-doubt as a life-sucking monster. Now, I realize it’s actually a fearful, angry, and lost creature secretly crying for help.

Like fear, joy, and sadness, doubt is part of human nature, and it needs understanding. If you want to improve yourself, you need to tame your self-doubt, not fight with it.

That means paying attention to how you react to things, understanding the root of your insecurities, and taking steps to address your fears.

Now I no longer tell myself, “I’ll never be a good enough artist.” Instead, I ask myself, “What can I do to become better?” And I take baby steps.

I went from drawing every few weeks, to every week, and now every two to three days. Re-framing self-doubt has also helped me cope with other challenges, like successfully starting a small business.

Self-doubt doesn’t have to be as monstrous as we make it out to be. It’s all about perspective. The following tips will help you manage your self-doubt.

Identify and ease your doubts.

Learning how to recognize when your self-talk takes a turn for the worse is crucial. When you hear yourself saying, “I can’t,” or, “I don’t know,” or, “What if,” a red flag should go up.

Instead of telling yourself, “I can’t do X,” say, “I can’t do X yet. But I’m working on it.”

Or if you start wondering, “What if I fail?” you can respond by saying, “Then I’ll try again.”

Doing this transforms a negative situation into an opportunity for growth. In the end, it’s about giving yourself a chance.

Stop listening to toxic people.

Toxic people are convinced that everything is impossible, and they are quick to shoot down ideas. They’ll poison your mind into a state of hopelessness.

Don’t let them steal your energy just because they’ve lost theirs.

Instead, surround yourself with supportive and passionate people who can both inspire you and bring out the best in you. You can find them among friends, family, books, or blogs like Tiny Buddha.

They will lift you up when you feel down and help you see the bright side of your darkest fears and doubts.

Recall your successes.

This one is tough. When you’re down, you’ll more easily remember the bad instead of the good. And oftentimes, the “rah-rah” pep talk just doesn’t cut it.

So, I suggest writing a list. Grab a piece of paper or small notebook, or open a blank document. Now write down your successes, big or small.

If you’re a bit bashful about your achievements, ask someone you trust to tell you the great things they think you’ve done. It’s refreshing and a great confidence boost.

And finally, keep your list with you at all times. It will help you find your way back to yourself whenever you get lost.

Trust and love yourself.

You probably spend more time being your own worst enemy instead of being your own best friend.

But you deserve to treat yourself better. After all, you have the rest of your life to spend with yourself.

Think of it this way: Would you mentally abuse or condemn your loved ones? Would you let them suffer in their time of need? If not, then why would you do it to yourself?

So, be kind to yourself. You are more capable and worthy than you give yourself credit for.

Give yourself permission to try…and try again.

Self-doubt never disappears. Over time, you just get better at dealing with it.

It will greet you every time you fall out of your comfort zone and whenever you strive to do something great.

But know that it’s not something you have to fear or resent. Your doubts are only thoughts, not your future.

Sure, something may go wrong. But if you never try, you’re losing an opportunity to improve your life.

Are you willing to risk that instead?

This advice came from our friends at Tiny  A great blog, worth following.

How to Believe in Yourself in the Face of Overwhelming Self-Doubt

Thanks for stopping by, come back soon, John

Be Yourself

Be Yourself


Is it best to Be Yourself or Go With The Flow like everyone else and don’t make waves?

Most people, your parents, teachers and maybe our friends will tell you to go with the flow and don’t make waves, and you’ll get along fine and be happy.

But, is that really true?  Is it working for you?  Do you have lots of friends, a nice average job, and a comfortable life?  Sounds great. 

But, again, ARE YOU HAPPY?  Are you being true to your inner self?  Are you using your God given talents to make the world a better place?  Is your life exciting and fun?  Are you testing your limits and being unique and taking action to have your Dream Life?

Just think, you could be living the real life you want, using your talents and skills and ambition?  Have you written the script of your own life movie and made a plan and set goals to achieve along the way to your dreams?

Or, are you sitting back, wishing, and wondering why your life isn’t what you dreamed it would be?

This is a great article from  After you read her advice below go to her web site and read her life story.  Our dream life doesn’t just happen, it takes planning, goals and hard work.  So what are you waiting for, go get the perfect life for you!


From Dani,

How Daring To Be Different Can Pay Off.

“Have you ever heard the statement, “Go with the flow”? I was in Germany recently and had the opportunity to spend some time with Mariana Hilker, one of our precious clients. She is a college student from Finland, and she has been faithfully attending First Steps To Success and Creating A Dynasty for about 3 years.

One thing I love about Europeans is that they travel a lot. They see the world as their playground, and they want to explore and uncover as much as they possibly can. I’ve learned a lot from their example. So often, Americans never even leave their city or state, much less their country. They never go out and experience other cultures, other foods, other languages, other ways of life. And when they do travel, they typically don’t venture outside of the resort where they’re staying, so they don’t get to experience everything other parts of the world have to offer.

Mariana was telling me about a trip she took to Thailand and Indonesia, and she said something really profound. She told me some of her college friends say, “I don’t really have any plans for the future. I just want to go with the flow and see how things unfold.” Mariana just says, “Really?!? Seriously? That’s the dumbest thing you could ever do!

When Mariana was in Indonesia, she was sitting there watching the flow of the trash in the ocean. As she watched the flow, she noticed the trash always ends up in trashier places. Isn’t that so true about life?

People who just go with the flow often end up in trashy situations. And that’s what most people are doing in life. A couple decides to get married and have kids, and they just hope for the best. But the best doesn’t always happen for their children. An employee just hopes to get promoted in his or her job. A business owner hopes to become a millionaire someday. But those things don’t just happen.

If you want success, you have to plan for it. You must learn new skills and make it happen. You can’t just go with the flow and say, “Whatever happens, happens.”

What is “the flow”? Look at what everyone else is doing. The truth is, 98% of the population ends up dead or dead broke by the age of 65, dependent on their family, friends or the federal government as their main source of income. They are going with the flow.

We were all told the same thing — go to school, get good grades, go to college and get a good job. That’s going with the flow, but that’s not how the successful people in the world do it. In fact, they go against the flow. I’m not saying they don’t go to school and get good grades. But they get specialized knowledge in a very different way.

Hans and I just came out of a conference with some extremely successful families. (I mean extremely successful — hundreds of millions of dollars in generational wealth.) Each of these highly successful people we met said the same thing about college: It’s not a good investment right now.

You would never hear that from the “wanna-be” successful people — the ones who make 6 figures and have a big house, a couple of leased cars and lots of credit cards. They would tell you something totally different about what it takes to succeed. They are the ones saying, “Go to college, get a good job and you will be successful.” But many of them have racked up tons of debt because they have gone with the flow.

Don’t get me wrong… Not all millionaires are truly successful. Just because you make a million doesn’t mean you’re successful. Most people who make a million dollars actually lose it or spend it.

I’m talking about people who have a long-standing track record of success — people with generational wealth and good families who work through their problems in their finances, businesses and relationships. People who know how to make money, keep money, and turn money into their slave. They have a completely different way of living and thinking about money.

In fact, you’ll never guess what these people said: The exact same thing I talk about in Grooming the Next Generation for Success. They had no TV when they were growing up. One of them had no air conditioning or heating in the house. If they were cold, they built a fire. They were frugal, they worked hard, they did things together as a family. They did not go with the flow. In fact, it was the opposite — they were trained up to be successful in every area of their lives.

Going with the flow is the worst thing you can do. When you listen to the people around you whose plan is to just go with the flow, you will end up where they end up, and that’s not a pretty place.

They say, “Oh, it’ll work itself out.” Instead of making plans, they wait to be led down one path or another. But you have to understand that is not going to give you the life you desire.

If you want a great marriage, you must set some goals and learn the right skills to make it happen. If you want to have phenomenal children who are great leaders and who have great people skills, financial skills, and will truly succeed in life, that will not happen if you simply go with the flow. It’s the same with your finances, business and career.

If you go with the flow, it will not lead you where you want to go. Do not let that be you! Go against the flow.”

There you have it, pretty good advice if you ask me.

What are you going to do TODAY to Design Your Perfect Life?

Thanks for stopping by, John


Serving Equals Significance

Serving Equals Significance

Do you want to Be Someone special (you already are), do you want to be Special? Do you want to be Important, looked up to?

We all want to be special. The quickest, easiest and best way to be Special is:
1) Be yourself
2) Put love into your life and the world.

From Pastor Rick Warren:
Significance in life doesn’t come from status, because you can always find somebody who’s got more than you. It doesn’t come from sex. It doesn’t come from salary. It comes from serving.” (Rick Warren)

So, share your talent, skills and love by Serving Others and live will be great.

Thanks for stopping by, John