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See the Joy in Life

See the Joy in Life

What is Joy?  It’s a noun, “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”.

But what does it mean to you?  Does it have to be “great”?  Only big life events, getting married, the birth of a child, a graduation, getting that job you’ve always wanted, buying your first house or having your first book published.

If you only feel Joy when big events occur you’re probably not getting the full dose of Joy that you deserve.  There’s so much more Joy to be had.  Many times we get so busy, stressed and are living on autopilot that we miss little things that can put a smile on our face and Joy in our heart.

Luckily, you can change that and have more Joy in your life with very little effort.  Just change your mindset and expectations.  It’s easy to start.  When you go about your day practice being present and in the moment and expect to find the Joy all around you.  Quiet all the chatter and noise in your head.  Take three slow and deep breathes. Focus on what you’re doing each moment.  Notice how your body reacting to what you’re doing and adjust your thoughts and actions to feel more relaxed.  Look around you for little things that you usually don’t notice.  You’ll be surprised by the beauty around you and by peoples acts of kindness.  You’ll see others helping each other.


How could you help someone or make them smile and feel good?  Open a door for a stranger, carry someones groceries for them.  These little gestures will put Joy in their hearts as well as yours.


Through out the day keep your eyes open, notice fresh flowers on the table, the wildflowers that grow among the weeds on the side of the road.  What do you see in the cloud formations?  Use your imagination, see the angel or the horse in the clouds?

I hope this encourages you to slow down, calm your thoughts and open your eyes to the Joy that can be found if you just look.

Thanks for stopping by.  Share with your friends if you like.


Photos copyrighted by John McFadden, Permission required to use.