Different Worlds
. “Different Worlds” A Bedtime Story They were sitting under the umbrella on the edge of the patio. Their backs to the Pacific Ocean, they chatted quietly, paying no attention to other guests and their surroundings. The bar was the Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, the Pink Palace of the Pacific. They were over dressed for the time of day and warm weather. He was tall, grey hair, handsome, wearing dress slacks, loafers and an expensive dress…
Your Powerful Mind
I was reading one of my favorite web sites, the Daily Om, and found this article. It really sums up how powerful our mind and thoughts are and how, whether we are aware of it or not, we are creating our lives with these powerful thoughts. Hope you enjoy this and that it makes you think about what you are thinking about. The Creation Ground of Experience Thoughts By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with your thoughts,…
Hello world!
Welcome to our new blog. We will start posting soon. Here you’ll find inspiration, encouragement, techniques and tools to help you discover your skills, talents, passion and your special Spirit inside you. Whether you need help with your own business, career, personal life, relationships you’ll find help here. We’ll offer life and career coaching, meditations, helpful and inspirational articles and reports, and other life changing tools. We’ll also offer Art, Photographs and some Fiction pieces. Maybe even a few travel…