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Category: Self Help

Rocky Mountain High

Rocky Mountain High

Lyrics can say so much and generate wonderful memories and strong emotions. The outdoors are magical.

The song Rocky Mountain High by John Denver brings back fond memories of hiking in the Rocky Mountains in my college days. There’s a certain freedom, quiet and peacefulness when walking in the woods be it summer or winter.

Being out in nature calms my soul and spirit. I’m in awe of the beauty, serenity and the vastness of space and time. It’s great to do in retirement or any stage in life. Going outside and experiencing nature is a Great Self-Help technique.

Mother Nature is calling. Go outside today and be recharged. Take Flight in Life.

(all text and photos © by John McFadden)

16 Areas to Set Goals for This Year

16 Areas to Set Goals for This Year

Every New Year offers the chance to make important changes to your life. It’s a chance to set specific, measurable goals which lead you to the life of your dreams. Goals not written down are merely a wish and seldom come true. If you want to make changes and improve your life, set some goals for the new year. Make them Clear and Simple and Powerful. Goals give you a reason to get out of bed and live live to it’s fullest everyday.

Here are 16 Areas of Life you might consider making improvements in and setting goals for. When you reflect on these and other areas and write down your personal goals you’ll be on your way to achieving your dream Life. Goal setting is a way to take control of your life and create the future you desire.

Take Flight with Personal Goals.

#1 Longing is a clue to Happiness

#1 Longing is a clue to Happiness

Do you get the same thought frequently, nagging at you, and that just won’t go away? Do you push it aside and try to ignore it, swatting it away like a pesky fly? But wait, not so fast. It might just be a clue to your Happiness. In many cases it’s a message or clue from God and the Universe about something you enjoy, are good at, and are meant to do with your life. Before you ignore it, stop and consider it as a possibility that you should investigate. Who knows, it could be your next chapter in life. Do what you love and have fun.

Unforgiveness is Poison

Unforgiveness is Poison

When you have an issue with someone it’s best to talk to them face to face, one on one and work things out. Come to a mutual understanding or agreement. Don’t text them, don’t email them as that lead to more misunderstandings. Call them or go see them. It you don’t and you don’t or won’t forgive them, you are damaging yourself more than hurting them, you’re poisoning yourself. Do you want live life like that? With the cloud of anger and unforgiveness hanging over you? You’ll be happier and enjoy life more after you speak to them and work things out.

Luke 6:37  “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

1 Big Life Action

1 Big Life Action

Each one of us has the opportunity and duty to make the world a better place. To leave the world better off than when we were born. To take Action. We all come to this world with at least one special talent unique to us. It is our duty to develop that talent and put it to good use for the betterment of our world.

What talent do you have? It can be anything, big or small. It could be that you are nice to people, or a smile that makes others smile, or you’re talented with words, music, sculpture, painting, leading others, networking, negotiating, teaching, listening, building, carpentry, encouraging, meditating, yoga, meditation, photography, jewelry making, designing, spiritual leadership, an author, pre-school teacher, artificial intelligence (AI wasn’t used in this post), therapist, barista and so many more.

You may not think you have a talent but you most certainly DO! Dig down deep inside, find it, develop it and then share it. When you undertake this Big Life Action you will help others, and be more satisfied with your own life. It’s worth the effort to find out what your Special Talent is.

YouTuber Jonna Jinton as her 4.8 million followers what message they’d like to share. Below is what I shared. (This is her finished video with some of her followers responses.

Thanks for reading, John

(Text, Photos, Video by John McFadden)

The Power of Cool, Clear Water

The Power of Cool, Clear Water

“Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.” ― Wallace Stevens.

“Run wild and free like a waterfall” ― Anamika Mishra

Water is essential to life just as in Love. Take care of both and they will take care of you.

Water conforms to whatever shape is needed when it encounters an object. As Bruce Lee famously said,

“Empty your mind. Be formless. Shapeless. Like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” Bruce Lee

You are as powerful as water. Choose your path and adjust as you go forward. Adapt to the situation by being strong yet flexible and you will reach your destination.

Powerful waters

Snowbasin Resort, Utah, Spring

Round granite rock formed in Truckee River, CA



We all seek Happiness. We all want to be happy. How can we find Happiness? Look inside yourself. What activities make us happy and give us energy? We must realize happiness isn’t found “out there”, we find it inside ourselves. Sit quietly, meditate and listen to our soul, it will tell us the right path to follow to have happiness. Be in the moment and be grateful for all you have, the little experiences, the people in our lives, they’re all there to make you happy. Remember, it’s found inside you and it’s different for each of us. Find you Happy.

You Choose Your Life

You Choose Your Life

Life is a series of choices that YOU make.

Your choices determine or create your life.

As the Grail Knight in Indiana Jones said: “But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.”

Use your choices to create a great day and life.

Why Are You In My Life?

Why Are You In My Life?

Life is a series of people teaching each other important secrets of life.

Over time, I’ve learned that everybody who enters your life does so for a reason. Sometimes it’s to help you learn a needed lesson. Sometimes it’s to help you navigate a tough time. And, sometimes, it’s to show you how not to be. They become an example of bad behavior that you shouldn’t repeat or the type of person to be careful of.

Think about all the people in your life. Does anyone stand out? What can you learn from them? At the same time, you entered their life for a reason too. What can you teach them just by being you? Be a special person to someone. Pay it forward.