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Rocky Mountain High

Rocky Mountain High

Lyrics can say so much and generate wonderful memories and strong emotions. The outdoors are magical.

The song Rocky Mountain High by John Denver brings back fond memories of hiking in the Rocky Mountains in my college days. There’s a certain freedom, quiet and peacefulness when walking in the woods be it summer or winter.

Being out in nature calms my soul and spirit. I’m in awe of the beauty, serenity and the vastness of space and time. It’s great to do in retirement or any stage in life. Going outside and experiencing nature is a Great Self-Help technique.

Mother Nature is calling. Go outside today and be recharged. Take Flight in Life.

(all text and photos © by John McFadden)

The Power of Cool, Clear Water

The Power of Cool, Clear Water

“Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.” ― Wallace Stevens.

“Run wild and free like a waterfall” ― Anamika Mishra

Water is essential to life just as in Love. Take care of both and they will take care of you.

Water conforms to whatever shape is needed when it encounters an object. As Bruce Lee famously said,

“Empty your mind. Be formless. Shapeless. Like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” Bruce Lee

You are as powerful as water. Choose your path and adjust as you go forward. Adapt to the situation by being strong yet flexible and you will reach your destination.

Powerful waters

Snowbasin Resort, Utah, Spring

Round granite rock formed in Truckee River, CA

Roaring River

Roaring River

Utah received record snowfall this winter (2022-2023) which is reflected in large amounts of melting snow runoff. Our rivers and streams are overflowing. The sound the rushing river makes is like a roar. It’s a beautiful sound filled with so much power and potential.

Nature and the Mountains Are Calling

Nature and the Mountains Are Calling

Nature and the Mountains are Majestic. When your outside nature evokes feelings of grander, wonder and peace. After many years of being away from the ocean and mountains we drove from the High Desert of Utah to the Oregon coast. The closer we got I felt my mood improved. A sense of peace, wonderment, excitement and calm came over me. The same feelingsI get when going to the mountains of Grand Teton, National Park and so many more natural areas. For me it felt like coming home. I feel attached to mountains, coastlines, mountain meadows, peaks, lakes and streams. It’s a great feeling. It’s one I like to share. We should support organizations that work to preserve the natural world.

WWhen you feel stressed unsettled in your every day life go outside and claim your space in the world. Nature is calling you, listen to her call and go find her anywhere she is. Experience the Mountains, Ocean, Lake, Forest, Desert, a park in the city, wherever calls you.

The mountains are calling…(John Muir)

Enjoy and share your time outdoors and in natural.

3 Reasons to start Walking in Nature as part of your exercise routine..

3 Reasons to start Walking in Nature as part of your exercise routine..

Take a Hike!

As a college student and in my 20’s and 30’s I discovered the joy and peacefulness of hiking.  I started hiking in the nearby woods, then pastures and cliffs above the Northern California Pacific Coast.  Then I expanded to trails in our awesome National Parks.  Needless to say, I was hooked for life.

I found that I could add Photography at the same time.  There are so many places photo subject found on these walks and hikes.  Many are hanging on my and others walls right now.

The greatest benefit is the way I feel when I return home.  I find both my body and mind are refreshed.  I have more energy and stamina, a quieter mind.  Many times solutions to problems and questions I been struggling with now come easily to me.

So, if you want to jumpstart your like, start walking and hiking anywhere you can, in your neighborhood or in nature.

Seventy Years Loving and Helping One Another

Here’s a great article to inspire starting,

See you on the trails, John

This Workout Can Seriously Improve Your Mental Health

Too often when we weigh the benefits of exercise, we tend to focus on the aesthetic. There’s a persistent pressure to exercise to look “good”—to whittle ourselves down to a smaller size and to shape our bodies in a way that pleases someone else. Not only can that mindset be detrimental to our physical health by encouraging destructive habits, but it also takes our attention away from a far superior benefit of exercising: the betterment of our mental health.

Fortunately, the tides are starting to shift (albeit slowly), and more people are beginning to use exercise to improve their mental health—not just as a means to a fitter end. And one of the best workouts for your mental health, as it turns out, is hiking. Here’s why.

How exercise improves your mental health.

If you’ve read anything about the benefits of exercise, there’s a 99.85% chance you’ve come across the word “endorphins.” Yes, those are released through exercising, but there is so much more to unpack when it comes to the positive impact exercise has on our brains.

“Exercise is probably the most underutilized antidepressant,” says Ellen Vora, M.D., a holistic psychiatrist and mindbodygreen Collective member. “It’s been shown in large clinical trials to be just as effective as antidepressants (if not more), and it has benefits like improved sleep, focus, cardiovascular health, and life span.”

There’s also a long list of mental health conditions that exercise can help mitigate, Vora adds, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, stress, and bipolar disorder—all of which affect millions of people every year.

Any sort of exercise will, in theory, improve the state of your mental health and make you feel better. But if you can combine the benefits of exercise with the benefits of nature—like going for a hike—that’s when the true healing happens.

How hiking improves your mental health.

Beyond being an enjoyable solo or group activity, hiking combines two of the most potent antidepressants: exercise and nature.

“Nature is critical to our mental health,” Vora says. “Studies have shown that staring at trees and greenery can decrease stress and anxiety and improve your mood.”

And given that many of us spend our days toiling away behind computers and swiping for stimulation on our phones, getting out in nature, Vora notes, is more important for our mental health than ever.

“We as humans evolved while surrounded by and in tune with the natural world. In our modern existence, we’ve gotten so out of touch with that, spending our days in windowless cubicles and staring at screens. This disconnection with nature can make deep parts of ourselves feel alienated and very far from ‘home.'”

Hiking gives us the best of both realms—the natural and physical. As Vora notes, it reconnects us with nature while getting our hearts pumping and causing a burst of serotonin, dopamine, and GABA secretion.

So the next time you’re in need of an all-natural pick-me-up, first tell yourself to (seriously) take a hike, then gather yourself and go for it.