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Are You A Disappointment to Yourself

Are You A Disappointment to Yourself


Greetings, we don’t want to feel trapped or all alone in life, we all want to be HAPPY in life rather than a DISAPPOINTMENT to ourselves or others.    Often, that disappointment you’re feeling inside is because you’ve set unrealistic expectations for yourself. Or you’re trying to meet someone else’s expectations.  You aren’t perfect, nor is anybody else.  Learn to be your own best friend!  Learn to be easier on yourself.  Life becomes a lot easier when you look deep inside and find your Authentic Self.  When you do, you’ll find yourself in your natural FLOW and you’ll start to live your life more fully.

Here’s an article I found on that will help get you started.

Are Your Expectations Setting You Up for Disappointment?

Man Sitting

“Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.” ~Alan Watts

For a long time, I felt like I was standing on a riverbank just watching the water of life go by, too scared to jump in and play. I was waiting for the perfect current to come along that I could ride all the way to the completion of my intensely detailed life goals.

I didn’t want to move until I felt like success was guaranteed and I was certain it was the “right” thing. Life was flowing, and I wasn’t doing anything. You can never be certain about the future.

Around this time, I graduated engineering school and instead of feeling excited and free, I felt like a large weight was dropped on my shoulders. I had a lot of expectations to meet, all of which were self-imposed.

After all, I had an engineering degree. By the world’s standards, I was bound to be successful, get a great job, and make money.

The thing is, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the path of engineering in the traditional sense was not right for me. I also couldn’t seem to function with the weight of these expectations. I got depressed, frustrated, and disappointed with myself for not pursuing engineering right way.

I expected myself to be successful, which eventually escaladed into expectations of perfection in all the areas of my life.

One day, I was on a walk with my Dad and he said to me, “Amanda, you just have to jump in the river and swim! You might wash up on the shore of the riverbank a little ways down, but at least you’re moving. Plus, you never know who or what will be there on the shore waiting for you. Just jump in and stop trying to set expectations for the future. Jump in and ride whatever current looks good now.

That’s exactly what I did. Instead of focusing on what to do, where to go, and how I was going to accomplish everything I thought I wanted in life, I focused on releasing the expectations I had about it all.

I focused on what I wanted to and could do now. I finally jumped in. 

The following are some tips and lessons I learned while making the transition from expectation overload to the lightness of exploration. 

Less Expectation, More Exploration And Trust

Oh, this is so juicy! When expectations rule our lives, we set ourselves up for disappointment. Then guess what? We judge ourselves harshly for it.

For example, I had a list of specific measurable goals for where I thought I should be when I graduated engineering school. When I finally did and realized I didn’t meet any of my goals, I felt disappointed and started telling myself I was a failure. Of course, this behavior got me nowhere.

The most important thing I learned is to release my expectations about how I think my life should go, and approach life from a place of exploration. This opens you up to experiencing things that are beyond your wildest dreams. It’s okay to have goals, but make sure to leave room for something even greater to come along.

Maybe the most peaceful and quickest way to achieve something is a way you haven’t thought of yet. Be willing to go with the flow.

This requires trust. I learned that when I let go and trust I will receive everything I need, I always do. I often find myself saying at the end of the day, “Wow, this day was amazing and I had no plan, yet I accomplished everything I needed to.”

Explore through life knowing deep down that you are always guided to exactly where you need to be. Plus, doesn’t exploring sound like more fun than expecting?

Look Beyond Your Distractions

A lot of us want external things because of the way we think they will make us feel. I wanted a skinnier body because I thought it would make me feel happy and loved. I wanted a successful career because I thought I would feel fulfilled. I wanted a relationship because I thought it would relieve my loneliness.

These things can distract us from looking within ourselves for answers.

When they fail to do what we want, we fell disappointed and angry. In order to release this cycle of disappointment, we need to release the belief that they will save us.

If you want to experience more love, start giving more love. If you don’t want to feel lonely, then start healing the belief that you are alone. If you want to feel like you’re worth something, start treating yourself like you are worth something, because you most definitely are.

When you heal the beliefs that run wild in your mind, you can still enjoy the externals, but you’re no longer trying to get something from them. You know you’re already fulfilled, happy, and complete, so if your circumstances change, you can maintain your joy.

Relax More, Judge Yourself Less

I’ve learned that the loving voice within, also known as our inner guide, has a bigger plan for us than we have for ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I want that plan!

As it turns out, right now you are exactly where you need to be. Phew.

The only thing you need to do in order to follow the path of your inner guidance is listen to it by releasing your judgments about what you think is happening. You don’t have to have everything figured out right now.

Get quiet and listen for guidance about what to do in this moment. Any advice coming from love will be something you can do now. The thought of doing it will make you feel lighter and excited.

Change Your Thoughts

If you are feeling disappointed, it’s because of the thoughts you have about the situation. So if you don’t want to feel disappointed, change your thoughts.

The first thing I do when I feel any disturbance to my peace of mind is say to myself, “I am determined to see this person/situation differently.” This is how you step into your power. Everything happens for you, not to you.

You’ll be amazed at the shifts in perception that occur when you become willing to release fear and see love instead.

When you focus on releasing the thoughts about how you imagined your life to be, your most loving, truthful self can come forward and guide you. There is nothing to figure out.

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About Amanda Christian

Amanda is the hiking yoga buddy you always wanted but never had…until now! She’s a miracle-fueled yoga instructor and a modern day voyager with lots of strange ideas. (Strange ideas that just might be what you’ve been waiting for.) Over on her site you’ll find weekly Soul Workouts with practical ways to experience more peace and personal power.



Thanks for stopping by.  I hope your enjoyed this post.

Thanks, John

4 Ways To Improve Your Baby Boomer Life

4 Ways To Improve Your Baby Boomer Life

IMG_0236With each new day I feel more and more lucky to be alive! I’m glad that I’m a Baby Boomer and still learning about life.  Yes, there are a few clouds around but look how green life is.  As I reduce my hours in Corporate America and have more time for myself, I’m learning to let go of and refocus some of my obsessions I’ve created while climbing the ladder.

Now it’s like opening a gate in my mind and throwing out the assumptions, bad habits, petty attitudes, judgements, goals that weren’t really mine, youthful obsessions and things that don’t mean as much to me anymore.  I’ve outgrown some of the superficial things and I’m learning to spend my time on things that have more meaning to me.  There’s less thinking about how much stuff I can accumulate.  I’ve realized having the biggest house on the block doesn’t really matter to me.  And, I’m remembering there are people in the world who are less fortunate than me and I might be able to make a positive impact on a few of them.  A poster reminds me, “There are people in the world who are happy with less than you have.”

Our society tends to think aging is a bad thing, filled with physical and emotional pain and unhappiness.  Is that the way you feel?  You don’t have to.  Helping yourself and others brings happiness to your heart and soul.

“It’s a very encouraging fact that we can expect to be happier in our early 80s than we were in our 20s,” Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of psychology at Warwick Business School, told the New York Times. “And it’s not being driven predominantly by things that happen in life. It’s something very deep and quite human that seems to be driving this.”

Throughout our mid life, the 30’s, 40’s and sometime into our 50’s we spend much of our daily lives doing tasks that we “have to do”.    This can be exhausting.  But, now it’s time for the real, authentic YOU to come out and show itself.  What does that look like?  Do you remember when you were the real you filled with excitement and be dreams.  Now is the time to find your real soul and spirit.  It may take time but it’s worth it, and now, you have more time for yourself.

One little trick to make sure you’re being you is, when you are doing something, working at a task, or doing anything, ask yourself:

1) Why am I doing this (task, project, whatever)?

2) Do I really want to do it?  Does it benefit me?

3) Am I enjoying it, does it make me happy, do I feel good doing it, does it give me energy?

4) Or, does it sap all the life out of me.  If this is your answer, it’s time to re-think how you’re spending your time.  Do things that feel good and excite you and make you and the world better.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you gained a little something while here.

Look forward to you sharing this, and coming back again.

Thanks, John

Am I insane? Or just acting like it?

Am I insane? Or just acting like it?

Dad, with his earliest Ham Radio.
Dad, with his earliest Ham Radio.

When I was planning the next stage of my life recently, I was reminded of one of the definitions of Insanity.  As I study self-improvement and personal development a lot, I thought I knew better than to do something insane.  Well, I must be thick headed because it took me a long time to realize that I was doing and thinking in a way I advise others not to.

What did I do?

As I approach retirement I’ve been brainstorming how I can create another source of income to help out.  For several years now I’ve been seeking ways to do this online.  I’ve had one specific idea that keeps coming up in my thoughts.  I made detailed plans to start it, I’m really good at that.

During my days off and in the evenings I make a TO DO list and this online thing was always on the list.  The sad thing is, I never get around to working on it.  Instead, I go grocery shopping, work in the yard, take care of the house, study about online income, relax, and think about it, a lot!  But, I never get to actually DOING something about it.  It’s always a dream I’ll do some day.

See the problem yet?  Well, the definition of insanity is  to keep doing the same thing (ie. nothing but planning) over and over again expecting the results to Change.  In other words, I expected the business to just sorta happen.  Insane, I know.

The moral of this story is if you keep thinking about it, you keep saying you’ll do something about it and you keep doing this over and over and nothing happens, then get the message, whatever it is ISN’T RIGHT FOR YOU!  This is God and the Universe and your inner spirit trying to tell you that this isn’t the BEST thing for you.  It’s time to meditate and be quiet and listen to your heart and hear the messages being sent to you.  It means a delay, like you’re starting over again (remember I/you never really DID anything) and you have to think more creatively to find what’s right for you.  Each of us have special talents to share with the world.  Use them to make the world a better place.

So, stop beating your head against the wall wondering why a job, or girlfriend or opportunity isn’t working out for you.  It means there’s something better coming to you.  Open the Air Waves and your heart and mind and get ready for an exciting ride.

Dream Big

You Can Do It

Live Life Well

Thanks for stopping by, John


An Airstream, Grandkids and the Outdoors

An Airstream, Grandkids and the Outdoors

“I love you because you take me on adventures”, Megan


As  Baby Boomers, and Empty Nester’s, our life paradigm is changing rapidly.  The words Grandpa and Grandma and Retired are defined and lived differently than they were just 10 years ago.

What do those words and time of life mean now?  Where’s the life manual?  How do we do it?Can we copy how are parents lived those words?  I say, “no way Jose”.  We have the opportunity and the urgency to create a new new paradigm that we feel comfortable with and enjoy.  At the same time it needs to “fit in” and benefit our children, grandchildren and family.

The possibilities for our new time in life are limitless.  For me, it’s downsizing to a single level patio home, healthy eating, exercise, being outdoors more, writing, blogging, traveling, photography, cooking, reading, life long learning and becoming semi-retired and looking forward to “full retirement”.  But, I never want to be fully retired.  There’s too many fun things to do.  If I can earn some more retirement money while doing all this that’s even better.

What does that mean to me?  And, to YOU?  The options are truly amazing and invigorating.

Today, I was surfing the world on the internet and found this story about a young family that is taking their toddler and a pick up and Airstream and touring our nations true treasures, our National Parks and other sites.

While you watch this think of the possibilities and how you might do something like this, with Grand kids!


Tomorrow Somewhere New

For me, this really brings back fond memories as my father worked for the National Park Service and I got to visit most of the parks West of the Mississippi.  I love the outdoors, and the beauty God created.

What does traveling as a young family have to do with Baby Boomers?  As I mentioned, we’re re-inventing ourselves and can do almost anything.  The first idea is to do what many Boomers are and travel the country with a trailer or motor-home.  Sounds fun right?  How about putting a little twist on that concept?  You can take your grand kids with you!

What?  Be stuck in a trailer with all that pent up energy?  Yes.  They will love being outdoors and exploring nature and America the Beautiful.

How?  I recommend bonding with your grandchild by going on walks with them and test them with an sleepover at your house.  If that goes well, try a day trip working up to a weekend or longer.  Their age, maturity and interests will determine where you go.  When choosing a place remember the trip is about them not only you.  Give it a try.  You’ll be surprised how much you learn about each other, how much fun you’ll have and the loving bond it creates.  Besides, being outdoors rejuvenates your Spirit.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Come back soon.

Live Life Well, John


6 Rules to Live By

6 Rules to Live By

Live Your Life Well

Half Dome
Half Dome

I read today that the last of the Baby Boomers turn 50 this year.  We’ve lived at least 50 years, half a century, can you believe it?  It’s been great so far, lets re-evaluate our priorities and actions so the next 40-50 years can be just as great.

To Live Your Life Well, we need to have a plan, a personal guide, something to keep us on track.  I found this uplifting speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger that make lots of sense.  They’re very simple but motivating and a good place to start.

Arnold has overcome a lot to get from a little town in Austria to be a world champion and a governor of California.  Granted, he’s made some very public mistakes a long the way but I believe he has good advice for us regarding accomplishment.

Who do you want to be?  Not what, but WHO?  So, listen to him here.

6 Rules to Live By


“Stay hungry, stay healthy, be a gentleman, believe strongly in yourself and go beyond limitations.”

“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it-as long as you really believe 100 percent.”

“We all have great inner power.  The power is self-faith.  There’s really an attitude to winning.  You have to see yourself winning before you win.  And you have to be hungry.  You have to want to conquer” (to win, to live your dreams)

Five Short Cuts to Being Happy

Five Short Cuts to Being Happy


Are you HAPPY?  Really?  I think being happy is the second most important skill you need in life.  The first skill is to learn how to control your thoughts.  Do you want to be HAPPY? We were happy as little kids, lets bring some of that happiness into our lives today.

All of us strive for many things through-out our life time.  We want a nice family, loving spouse, good job, money to buy nice things, cars, houses, big screen TVs, a good education, travel and much more.  All these things give us different levels of satisfaction that comes and goes, sometimes leaving us unsatisfied rather quickly and looking for the next  new “thing”.  In reality, what we really want is true, lasting, Happiness.

That’s what I want.  All my life I’ve tried to be happy by working towards my next want or goal, always thinking that’s what would make me happy.  My very smart wife has always told me that happiness comes from within, not from money or things.  That’s been hard for me to believe.  But now, I’ve discovered she’s right.  Now I look within and choose happiness.  Life is no longer a big struggle thanks to her wisdom.

Good old Honest Abe said it all when he said, “Most folks are just about as Happy as they make their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln, US President, self-educated lawyer, legislator, avid reader, husband and father.

For many of us, we are so busy in today’s hectic world that we don’t have time to think about what really makes us happy.  But, you have a choice.  Either you run the day, or the day runs you.  Which is it for you?

Having searched for true happiness for most of my life, and studying people much smarter than me, I’ve found 5 short cuts to being happy.

One is Gratitude. Be grateful for all you have from the moment you get up in the morning.  It’s important to be grateful for all you have been given and built in your life.  When you’re grateful and have peace of mind and contentment, you become open to receive much more in life.

Two is Choice.  Like Abe said above, choose to be happy, it’s your choice how you think about your life and circumstances. When it comes right down to it, WE have control of our brain, which creates our thoughts, which create our words, which create our daily reality.  We have a choice, every day and every moment, to be happy and see the best in people and circumstances in our world, or to let negative people and events take us down and hold us back from being our best.

Three is Moment, be in the moment, in the NOW.  When you’re depressed you’re thinking of the past, when you’re worried or fearful you’re thinking of the future.  When you’re happy you’re thinking about what you’re doing right NOW. Explore the world, notice little things around you that make you feel good, play, be child like again.  Mindful breathing can bring you back from all the “monkey thoughts” (see more under Control, below) and focus you in the moment.  This will help you appreciate and enjoy life more.

Four is for Love, yourself that is.  I find that “I am…” statements help you focus and create higher self-esteem and self-love.  Instead of beating yourself up and being negative about yourself, try thinking and saying positive things in the present tense.  Things like, I am Happy; I am strong; I am talented; I am healthy; I am liked; I am expressing my true self; I am helping others; I am loving and I am loving.  Say those words to yourself throughout the day and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel and how you great things begin happening.  Before you can receive love, you must love yourself.  Life is much easier when you do.

Five is Control, the thousands of thoughts you have every day.  You are the owner of the world’s most powerful computer.  Learn to make it work  for you rather than against you.  Every second of our lives we have the ability to choose our thoughts.  They seem to come and go randomly.  When I have to many, coming too fast, and they’re scattered all over different subjects, I call them “monkey thoughts”.  They’re like little monkeys jumping from tree to tree, branch to branch, never settling very long.  They drive me nuts, and make me confused.  It’s hard to focus and be happy when this happens.  So, take control of your thoughts and learn to drive your brain, program it to use positive, empowering thoughts.

Being happy and controlling your thoughts are the most import lessons you need to learn for a great life.  I leave you with Gandhi’s words.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Be Happy!

Thoughts Become Things
Thoughts Become Things

As a last note, the people in Cannes, France have a Happy Song.  When you’re having a tough day, sing and dance along with them.




Holiday Spending

Holiday Spending

This is a great post from my friend Doug Nelson at Catch Fire University.

(If you ever get a chance to attend a Millionaire Minds event that Doug presents it’s a must see.  It will change your life)

HOLIDAY SPENDING is JANUARY’s CREDIT CARD BILL; THREE TIPS to getting the BIGGEST Bang for your Buck every year.

Posted by on December 10, 2013 in Financial Freedom

It is SOOOO easy to get caught up in the Holiday Spending. From the hot deals and bargains that entice, to the food, decorations and of course the presents. January is a painful month for most people; the dreaded Credit Card statement shows up and it is at least a month or two of paying interest fees to get that sucker paid off. Sound Familiar?

The thing is the holidays come around EVERY YEAR and even at the exact same time!!! So if it is PREDICTABLE it is PREVENTABLE!!
Here are 3 fool proof tips that will get you through each year without cursing the holiday season in January; ‘cause let’s face it, GIVING isn’isn’t GIVING if it hurts you or if it is just to maintain an image.

1. ACTUALLY PLAN FOR IT EACH YEAR: Start a SAVINGS Account TODAY! It is simple and easy. Go to your Bank, set up an additional Savings account and then set up an automated monthly deposit from your checking account. Make it $25, $50 or $500…depends on you and your Budget.

Just $50 a month automatically into that savings account gives you $600 at Christmas time!

2. ADJUST YOUR MINDSET: It is NOT A COMPETITION! Who gives the most presents, who spends the most… and giving out of obligation is not giving at all.
The holiday season is about Gratitude, Giving and Forgiving. So make it count! Thoughtfulness is far more powerful than a new sweater, coffee machine, tool set etc…
A Secret Santa or Gift Exchange is a great way for each person to be extra thoughtful with ONE person.

3. ONLINE SHOPPING is where it is at!
It saves you TIME, GAS MONEY and you get GREAT DEALS delivered to your door!
How awesome is that!?

So with the $600 you SAVED, use the Credit Card anyway so you get POINTS or rewards, PAY it off right away and get the MOST Bang for your BUCK!
THIS SITE Auto-fills ALL the great ONLINE deals and Coupons at your favorite Stores.
It is connected to over 4,000 retailers online
It has the best comparison, search and cash back rewards system of any online retailer!
No goofy membership or fees!
If your gonna SPEND, SPEND SMART!!

Thanks for your great advice from Doug.

To save money online go to

6 Tips To Help A Dying Parent

6 Tips To Help A Dying Parent

Saying Goodbye
Saying Goodbye

As we grow older, so do our parents and loved ones.  When they are nearing the end of this life, it can be stressful for them and us.  Now is the time to remember, comfort and forgive.

My Mother died last year and my Father is in his last days.  Through this experience I’ve found a few things that will ease their transition to the afterlife.

#1.  Focus your efforts on listening to what they want.  Really listen to them and they’ll tell you how they want their last days to be.  Focus on making them comfortable physically and emotionally.

#2.  Mend the hurts and misunderstandings that have come from both sides through-out your lives.  Take the high road and smooth things out.

#3.  Thank them for all they’ve done for you since you were born.  Tell them how grateful you are that they’re your Mom or Dad.  Thank them for all they’ve taught you about life and relationships and making a good life.  Ask them to forgive you, tell them you forgive them.  Tell them they’ve made a positive impact on you and your family and all those they’ve interacted with.  Put them at ease, that their life was important.

#4.  Memories are important.  Sit and talk with them and remember specific times and events and tell them how they made a difference in your life.  Take note, record their words, go through old photos.  Talk about their legacy and how they’ll be remembered.  This is the time to embelish a little if you have to and make them feel loved and wanted.  They need to know they’ll be missed.

#5.  Estate.  Make sure their estate is in order.  They need an executor or trustee with access to all financial accounts.  Put these is order now for face the courts and red tape by yourself after they’re gone.  It’s much easier now.  Decide who will get the favorite chair and dining room table, etc.  Find out what their wishes are.

#6.  Say Goodbye.  At some point in time, you’ll know when, it’s important for you to say goodbye.  Tell them they are loved and appreciated and will be missed.

These are the most important things to do and say before your loved one passes on.  It will mean a lot to both of you when you share your love with them.

Thanks for stopping by, John